
Posts tagged with :pencil2:

day 10 of #C045S4393CY| worked on juice project and added UI to it, the ui took time to draw in aseprite
Day 3 of #C045S4393CY| Added a row() function to draw the ground. Not too much time these days
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Today I worked a bit on my black box project. It turns out math.h isn't available, so I did some digging so I could write my own sine & cosine functions (which turned out to be a bit of a rabbit hole). I ended up using the Taylor series approximation, which works alright for values between -PI and PI (and makes my brain go a bit mushy). Now I can draw a rotated rectangle (yay!).
Yesterday I helped run the computer science table at our school district's middle school academy fair! talking hundreds of middle schoolers was very taxing, but it actually went great, we had a crowd around our table the entire time! I obviously advertised Hack Club a ton even though I was low on posters & flyers-- people loved the Sprig, the LED matrix (upcoming ysws 👀), the stickers, and most of all, the game! I projected my #C07MUFXNG82| pinball game onto the ceiling to draw people over & gave candy to people who could score 1000! I wanted to buy a gong with school budget that we could hit every time someone beat the high score, but even though it (shockingly) got approved it didn't arrive in time. Definitely gonna recreate this setup in the future!
Today I discovered all scrappy's reaction keywords yay, OSF, hooray, arrived, bin, raccoon, draw, art, paint, wrote, slack, pcb, onboard, circuit, kicad, easyeda, figma, 3d print, 3d printing, 3d printer, covid, singapore, canada, india, space, sleep, hardware, roshan, sampoder, vs code, vscode, woo hoo, celebrate, cooking, cooked, cook, birthday, bday, pumpkin, fall, thanksgiving, christmas, santa, snow, snowing, snowman, vercel, sunrise, sunset, google, soccer, football, car, driving, bank, shopping list, github, twitter, bot, robot, robotics, minecraft, game, npm, solder, soldering, arduino, instagram, observable, js, javascript, reactjs, python, swift, xcode, x code, swiftui, swift ui, golang, rust, deno, blender, salad, adobe, photoshop, inktober, storm, rain, dino, school, backpack, linux, hacktober, hacktoberfest, exams, exam, studying, studied, study, react, apple, cat, dog, code, hack, autumn, Happy Birthday Zach, debate, next.js, nextjs, movie, halloween, pizza, scrappy, cycle, bike, Big Sur, zoom, ship, macbook, guitar, complain, fight, cricket, vim, docker, cake, notion, fedora, replit, mask, leap, discord, /z, postgres, gatsby, prisma, graphql, product hunt, java, repl, repl.it, replit, rick roll, BrainDUMP, firefox, vivaldi, ABCO-1, nix, nixos, nixpkgs, typescript, ts, zephyr, summer, plane, train, bus, bug, debug, debugging, awesome, graph, chart, boba, bubble tea, spotify, repair, cow, doge, shibe, dogecoin, blockchain, ticket, homework, hw, piano, orpheus, chess, pr, pull request, bread, nft, hns, wahoo, aoc, advent, svelte, cold, tailwind, tailwindcss, c, squaresupply, gamelab, annoying site, redwood, redwoodjs, homebrew, stickers, club, think, thinking, cool, science, research, biology, brain, science fiction, sci-fi, mexico, food, sad, galaxy, plant, plants, picture, pictures, photography, assemble, sprig, laser, music, #C045S4393CY, 10daysinpublic, hardware party, hardware wonderland, hardware-party, days of making, winter hardware, winter, wonderland, whw, ipfs, the orpheus show, orpheus show, the orpheus podcast, orpheus podcast, podcast, quest, puzzmo, purple bubble, purplebubble, summit, summit vision, apple vision, nest.
today starts the project of making a 3d graphics engine in C using wingdi to draw in a window 2d shapes
added in the drawings for the ingredients for my calming baking game !! took me like 45 minutes to draw all the items
I tried sketching a picture that I saw online and have sketched using it as a reference in the past. This version is done mostly from memory, and I tried to change a few things to make it different from the first sketch, so it's not as good as the original one, but it was fun to try to draw from memory. Link to the GitHub commit: github.com/TazmeenM/drawingProject2
I started trying to draw a picture I took on Krita with a mouse and my laptop! I started drawing it before Arcade, but I also drew a bit of it during Arcade, so I'm sharing it here. Link to the GitHub repo: github.com/TazmeenM/digitalDrawingProject
finally got a board to draw after messing with the compile script i made github.com/ab-pr/tetris (its on the testing branch, not yet merged with main)
in celebration of the arrival of my Octocat, I wanted to draw a rendition of what I believed its parents looked like and this was the result ✨ yay 😁 . . . repository: github.com/Liana24601/octopus-drawing (thank you to everyone at Hack Club for everything, I loved this summer so much that I’m not ready for it to end yet 😭)
github.com/jmhruk/CardGame I made a text game (CLI) in python where players draw cards and compare them to see who wins! Whoever has the most cards at the end wins!
lately, I was getting a vibe and I needed to draw an impossibly rich woman who has a penchant for red wine, luxurious clothes, and numerous wealthy husbands who mysteriously disappear after a year or two so yea, this is it 🖤 Inspired by Marilyn Monroe, Betty White, and the song “Back to Black” by Amy Winehouse also I quoted Edna Mode cause she’s an icon fr
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. . . repository: github.com/Liana24601/rich-girl-art (hats off to the reviewing team! the best and most amazing of all! 😊💗) (unrelated but MY BOBA DROPS GOT APPROVED 🥳🎉)
SCAICT-uwu is a Discord bot in our server. You can interact with it to earn 'thunder points,' which can be exchanged for souvenirs like stickers or USB drives in our store. I created the Flask route to send thunder points and call the Discord API to DM the recipient. This action requires users to log in via Discord OAuth, and it can only be performed by those with a special role in the server. This route is used in <http://bar.scaict.org|bar.scaict.org>, which is part of our scavenger hunt during physical activities. In addition, the store has updated the number of draws that can be played on slot, and now you can draw 10 times at a time. store.scaict.org github.com/SCAICT/SCAICT-uwu
github.com/bora-sy/ESPRobot Working on a robot, made with ESP32 and NodeMCU boards. The controller uses esp-now protocol to communicate with the robot. I designed a test body to put everything on it and test how much current the motors draw and how fast the robot can get.
Did one of those challenges where you draw on grayscale mode and the colors of your drawing get revealed after :) I had fun, even if the colors turned out a bit wonky (results are in the repository 😁) The photo is of my drawing in gray scale mode, before I revealed it See ya 👋 . . . repository: github.com/Liana24601/surprise-drawing/tree/main (as always, love you reviewers
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you guys are the best fr)
(Repost cuz hackkun was down) I'm back with my C++ game engine, with the newest feature: ✨ Text and localization ✨ Github: github.com/cheyao/opengl Online Demo: cheyao.github.io/game Showing text and managing locales in c++ was way harder then I expected. Change log: • Fixed mouse dragging • Automatically recognize locales • Draw text automatically from loaded font file • 0 Memory leaks • Pause the game when in menu • Fixed numerous bugs • etc...
ever since i watched "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?" for the first time this summer (A+ movie, 10/10, highly recommend) i really wanted to draw Jessica Rabbit cause I love her character design and she's an icon ✨ so i did that :) yippee !! . . . repository: github.com/Liana24601/jessica-rabbit-drawing/tree/main (as always, reviewers, you guys are amazing and thank you for dedicating your time for this 💗)
Hello! I'm back with my game engine! I've been busy these few days: I've added support for a UI! This was made with 0 tutorials, completely conceptualized by myself! See the repo here: github.com/cheyao/opengl Online demo: cheyao.github.io/game Offline demo: Compile it yourself please! Haven't figured out a way to package freetype into MacOS app bundles yet The text is not available yet cuz I overestimated the difficulty of freetype - It will take more then 25 scraps PS. Sorry for the ugly UI, I am terrible at art (Looking to get a Ipad with a pen to start learning to draw)
finally done with my dragon drawing!! 🐉 been wanting to draw one ever since finishing season six of the dragon prince (I almost cried, I love that show sm) so many hours of work and here it is!! . . . repository: github.com/Liana24601/dragon-drawing/tree/main (I would put a list of commits but there’s like twenty thousand images in the repository so not today 😅) as always, thank you thank you thank you reviewers for everything, I love you guys
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Today I worked on my stargazing/starmap JavaScript application. I decided that today, I would try to make the background and environment of my 3d world more like the celestial sphere. I learned how HDR 3D images worked and incoroporated one of the night sky into my project, so that it would be realistic. I then figured out how to take the data from a star catalog I downloaded with hundreds of thousands of stars and their data, and extracted the 1000 brightest stars. Using the positions of these stars, I was able to draw a map into my 3d world containing the stars and their relative directions. I then figured out how to rotate the map to be exactly overlaid perfectly on top of the HDR image map. In the image attached, the green stars are the data produced from the star database, and they are perfectly overlaid on top of the images of the real stars. My future goal is to make the stars interactive, i.e. when you click them, they will bring up information about the star. I made great progress today and am very proud of my work! Link to project: eddyzow.net/astrowatching Link to latest major commit: github.com/eddyzow/eddyzow.github.io/commit/d41d6563de5fab8657693b643ae52182c84e4eb3
bellow are some pics i drew. I am submitting them to organize what was done before and after the guideline changes github.com/lolzozohi/Draw-Pic few examples are added here
I just finished developing a local two-player game in Python! This project involved designing and coding a 2D space shooting game using the Pygame library. The game allows two players to control spaceships on opposite sides of the screen, with the objective of depleting the opponent's health by firing bullets. The game features a countdown timer, sound effects, and dynamic backgrounds that change based on the game's outcome (win, lose, or draw). It was a great experience working through the mechanics of player movement, collision detection, and game state management. Looking forward to further refining the game and exploring more complex projects in the future! github.com/mochanicious/Python-Local-Two-Player-Game
I draw a car inside of a dog to show friendship and connection between the 2 animals. I have created th basic sketch and next I will add color to it. github.com/Ventengo1/Dog-and-Cat-Silhouette- This is the new carbon post for this project
Just finished drawing a few Tokyo Landmarks as part of a new series of drawing where I will draw landmarks from all around the world!
Here's a really bad and most likely horribly insecure password generator for the terminal! Originally wanted to somehow make it work with pass, but it turns out getting the darn thing to draw to the terminal was hard enough. GitHub link: github.com/mrkingseasheep/tui-password-gen
THIS WEEK IN DISTANCT DREAMSCAPE 🔥 -&gt; DAY AND NIGHT CYCLE YAAYYA -&gt; WEATHER CONDITIONS ADDED 🔥 -&gt; More playable characters -&gt; An Orpheus pet (it's a dog for now until I draw an Orpheus) -&gt; MORE MAPSSS!!! -&gt; MORE NPCS! -&gt; Added functionality with custom JS Commits: github.com/briyandyju09/RPG-GAME/commits/main/arcadeproofs
I have made a Tic Tac Toe Game .The user selects its icon X or O and then starts playing. The user plays against a bot which makes the game very interesting, if neither of the 2 wins then the game shows a draw message.If the user or the bot wins then the message with the icon displays the winner. git deploy link akshatsinghania.github.io/tic-tac-toe-game git repository link github.com/akshatsinghania/tic-tac-toe-game.git video link hackclub.slack.com/archives/C06SBHMQU8G/p1721748136999879?thread_ts=1721746656.339149&cid=C06SBHMQU8G