yay emoji

Posts tagged with :yay:

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scrapyard ship incoming
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> what started as me meeting a stranger-soon-friend at the airport w/ @ThomasStubblefield and asking him why he was wearing fake prescription glasses to make himself look smarter turned into the most fire hackathon project ever. this weekend, @ArnavChauhan , @TCYTseven , and i worked together to think of the most useless project we could built in ~24 hours + with the ray-ban meta ai glasses (yes, those glasses). introducing (brace yourselves, and give me credit for the name) our final project, "POKER? I HARDLY KNOW HER!" ♦️ ♣️ you might've come across this every-day situation many times in your life: you have homework assignments due tommorow but you ALSO want to play poker
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. just wear our glasses and 1) have them analyze your hand, the cards on the table, and the emotions of the poker faces in the room around you to 2) calculate a probabilty
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of you winning the game and then 3) answer the next question on your homework but with an accuracy rate inversly proportional to your odds of winning poker match. using computer vision, opencv, roboflow, openai
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, elevenlabs, & opensource python
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libraries we've made this a reality for you. watch our <https://youtu.be/JVtFxCJw5ng|demo> to get the full experience!
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scrappy moment: turns out meta
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provides no easy way to access the camera feed from the glasses for analysis. however (!!), they do allow access to the camera feed in their own services (yes, we ended up making facebook accounts for this initially 💀). the live video used on this project is taken from a whatsapp video call between two devices + obs
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video capture.
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github repo: github.com/sahitid/meta-vision-project 🕶 📼 full demo: youtu.be/JVtFxCJw5ng *tl;dr:* we made a meta glasses-powered system that lets you play poker and do homework at the same time—but the better you do at one, the worse you perform at the other. *super special thanks* to @ShubhamPatil @kevinjosethomas @sarthak @Atulya-U04FJLBJ72S @JesseCogburn (jimbooo) @Mohamad for the hours of moral support + starring in our demo + teaching us about your love for horiculture + &amp; of course "chris"
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Day 10/15 of #C045S4393CY|! today i made a pr for my keyboard!!! yay its committed now just need to wait for it to be accpeted
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Day 9/15 of #C045S4393CY| Today i ended my code for my keyboard for #C07LESGH0B0| • added layers • wrote my BOM (Bill Of Material) for my keyboard it was accepted! yay
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Day #5 of #C045S4393CY|, today i kept working on my open world game #C08EL3G9K2B|
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: • Fix some minor sync issues and did some code optimizations • Added crafting to the game (pain)
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Day 6-7/15 of #C045S4393CY|! I say 6-7 because in the day that scrappy was offline im not sure that i counts Today worked once again on the case because i open the CAD file and some things where broken so i decide that i should change lots of things!! yay
day... 3? of #C045S4393CY|. Today I worked on my #C088UF12N1Z| game a lot, adding a resource management system, tooltips (this was really hard to get right
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), and a smarter tower (now it shoots in the general direction of enemies
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!). Most importantly, we also started a doc formalizing our game and dividing up tasks.
Day 4 of <#C045S4393CY|>
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I made the scroll indicator disappear when you scroll down :D also added more info abt myself Working on right after this post + tmr: • adding a header + footer • adding more pages like a portfolio
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Day 4 of #C045S4393CY| made thing where the player can kill the plant and also made the discord bot cleaned up and #C0M8PUPU6| ed it with @Sunny yay! finally done with sock
day 6 of #C045S4393CY| i had some fun writing code to use my school directory and scrape it
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[testing] scrappy should continue working properly now
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day 2 of <#C045S4393CY|> I decided to try smth new and use vite + react for the first time!
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were errors caused? definitely. regretted using npm then changed to bun? yup. struggling with the frontend library chaos? 100% still am. but did I have fun? oh 1000% I'm excited to see this come to life :D there's what I got so far, will get the rest and some formatting fixed up, but this is going great :D
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Starting my first day of #C045S4393CY|
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Got this figma mockup where I want it to be :D, will get cooking tmr on making this reality
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day 3 of #C045S4393CY| i had to nuke db buttt it works with the json api now
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Today I worked a bit on my black box project. It turns out math.h isn't available, so I did some digging so I could write my own sine & cosine functions (which turned out to be a bit of a rabbit hole). I ended up using the Taylor series approximation, which works alright for values between -PI and PI (and makes my brain go a bit mushy). Now I can draw a rotated rectangle (yay!).
Day 1/15 of #C045S4393CY|
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Today I worked on getting a redis
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db and an api to get/post links/tags. So now I have an api (/api/link ) that when you GET with an tag (for example aram ) it returns the URL fetched from redis (ex. https.aram.sh ). Now I need to work on making it so when I go to a URL (ex. <http://elr.sh/aram|elr.sh/aram`>) it hits that endpoint and redirects to it!
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today i did: • create project for socks • Skii obvs (see photos above) • Code a lil • Order a blahaj • Watch anime
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finished all my sprites/art for my hackapet game. pixel art is really fun and i'm glad this was my first time trying it!!
Today, i polished my submission for the travel stipend to scrapyard, tidied up my proxmox and installed a new server!
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today i was so locked in: • worked on sticker layout + ordered from the incredible stickers @NadeenI. made :D • also worked on thank you cards (pic 2 was initial design but im inclined to pic 3 now • workshoped a lil but coulnt lock in edit: I NEARLY FORGOT THE WEBSITE IS NOW FR UP TRUST jua.hackclub.com
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a different type of yap today: i like to jot and sketch random stuff down while doing things. i use to do it with paper, but it gets so messy and is kinda a waste... i got one of those cheap plastic/cardboard whiteboards from the dollar store, but those came pre scratched
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and just would not erase cleanly. the glass whiteboards at unis are sooo nice, but a smaller one is like 30 bucks on amazon
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figured this was a good and short weekend project! a glass whiteboard really just is glass + white paint i wanted a glass whiteboard at least larger than letter paper. glass panels were shockingly expensive and difficult to buy, and I'm not paying $10+ for just one piece of ultra-thin glass. picture frames were the next thing i tried to look for, but all the modern ones use that cheap, thin plastic film instead of glass. at a second-hand store, i found a picture frame with not one, but two 14"x11", 1/8" thick (which is pretty good) sheets for under $3 total. i figured i'd mess up the first one accidently. also bought some sand paper and white spray paint (less than $12 total) i cleaned the glass with soap + water and then alcohol. taped up the edges and went ham with the sandpaper on the glass for better paint adhesion later. i have zero clue how to spray paint, so I applied wayy too much paint on the first try. it got sticky and i had to sand it off to be more even and fixed it with a couple more light coats and a lot of waiting in between. i did a light sanding after it dried and i had a glass whiteboard
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dry erase markers erase so nicely on glass it was so worth it. costed in total less than $15, and i can make a second one, with spare paint and sand paper for other things
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Arf, arf, wrrf, wrrrf!!!
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Meow, mrrow, mrow Do you get parcels from a random place called hack club and want to see what's on the way and its status? eh, maybe not. But I do, and I don't like going to the shipment viewer because it's outside slack, i need to put in my email, get a link, annoying on mobile, ugghhh. (joking, it's a great site :) ) But what if you didn't have to do that? What if... it was in Slack. Introducing @PostPuppy ! Visit the app home to see all your packages just like you would on the shipment viewer. you can even opt to get notified when the status changes. oh, and if the email you use for slack is the same that you get mail to, it'll auto sign you in! (If you use a different email, you can open settings, enter an email and get a verification link sent to you)
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you can open the app home to try it out here :)
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ty to nora for letting me auto sign ppl in! want the code? check out github.com/transcental/postpuppy
worked on my bss trade builder site today! added beequip functionality, yay! will be back tomorrow to make the UI look a bit nicer and clearer
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I have emailed my teachers to let them know about my club
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Today/Yesterday I finally shipped my game! I made some more levels, fixed some bugs, made a linux build, and made the itch.io (snej55.itch.io/defblade) page, and now it's finished!🎉
Post-Midterm week-I’M FREE!!(for two days) Finished my personal website
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more of a behind-the-scenes Mosaic update today! I made the widget code reusable, which should make adding new widgets wayyyyy faster and the code much easier to maintain!
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let's hope this pays off for the one hour I spent trying to figure out how to make a $bindable $<http://derived.by|derived.by>
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(i ended up giving in and using an effect)
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Finished two of my ~6ish screens
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today i released a bugfix for PSAK that fixed some stuff, also started on a hackapet project! its about a mouse!
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Today I added some water to my SDL2/C++ game. It's basically just a line of springs joined up but it looks like water if you tweak it a bit. I also added some decorations (trees! yay!) and some more sound effects. I also wasted an hour or two fixing a segmentation fault 😭 (pain). Next is leaves!
Worked more on Codeboard today (as usual). I finished implementing scribbles authentication, improved navigation across the site, and continued working on saving in scribbles. We had the first snow of 2025 too!
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I finished the images API, added the markdown API, and started working on saving and authentication for scribbles in Codeboard today. I went ice skating too and I think it was the first time I didn’t fall down at all!
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yay i finally finished my personal website!! soso happy with how it looks, and i’m glad it’s no longer on my to-do list 😁 nityapisolkar.com !!
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Added some "art" to my github contribution graph using my WIP text/image -&gt; github contribution graph program
yay i’m finally posting again on scrapbook after a very long hiatus! yesterday i worked on my site for the winter boba drops event and made a countdown for the new year, and worked on my personal website, which still has a long way to go (but i’m glad i made progress because it’s been on my to-do list for months)! ✨ ❄️ i’m really proud of the countdown website i made because i made some super cool animations in css! nityapisolkar.github.io/new-years-countdown
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I started working on an update to Slack Summarizer today (only a small bit bc Christmas
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) and I got my new headphones connected to my pi. Unfortunately I couldn’t get widevine to work with chromium but I’ll keep trying.
awawawawa.... arpeggiator nodes implemented... lots of behind-the-scenes work... 😵‍💫
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this (responsive!!) keyboard/piano renderer took me a very long time to implement. please look at it. stare at it. admire it. gaze in awe upon my creation
I learned OpenSCAD today. I love parametric stuff and the magic that changing one variable does. (blot art is so cool in the same way) I'm starting to use gridfinity but I wanted to cut down on the number of magnets I used cus $$, so I modified Gridfinity Extended OpenSCAD to add a center hole. I now can use 2 magnets instead of 8, and it's more than strong enough
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vestige is now capable of sampling real instruments!
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today i did alot lol: 1. after lots of post office processes they found the LLM book
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') 2. i made my site mobile friendly + joined placeholder webring + minor updates 3. i started working on the dti site, changed up a lil bit about he concept and i need to figure out alot of animation stuff since atm its kinda basic 4. in the process of adding a new feature to LYLA (i just need to add an auto-deletion part to something) 5. no rust today &lt;/3
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almost done!!! today, I introduced the chord generator, delay node, and custom-made serialization via CBOR + DEFLATE to save projects
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melody generation functionality implemented, based on pure functions! this generator uses probability to randomly trigger notes from the pentatonic scale, making for some wind-chimey melodies. cool!!!
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LFOs are done!!! and so is value-to-node graph traversal! fancy!
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A device to manually send and receive SPI signals (the rotary encoder is emulated using a button as logisim does not have a builtin symbol) In an actual model every turn (or two, depending on how many positions it has) of the encoder sends and receives one byte at the same time working on this for a 8051 computer using only switches and leds to interact and program (like the olden days
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yay c# monogame window! lets go! also the control instruction doesn't do anything, yet, obviously
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1. finished up the website i was to make, it's gonna be used tmrw so i really need it to not break then. i wont be revealing what it's about yet since i dont rlly feel comfy doing tat rn 2. slackbot making, say hi to @loumakespopculturereferences (pfp is sunshine lebron reference) (tools.slack.dev/bolt-js awesome place to start, ty Amber), it doesnt do anything yet since i kind of got rid of 1/2 my braincells trying to figure out why .env stuff werent working lol scrapy doesnt seem to allow links from me anymore lol, here's how many hellos it took before i got it working
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