
Posts tagged with :camera:

For my 3rd day of #C045S4393CY|, I stopped procrastinating and approved a pending #C07F3EA2L8G| pull request! Here's a picture of that one. I also fixed an issue with an already approved PR that didn't get all the money it deserved.
I didn’t get a whole lot done today, but I adjusted the header spacing to move the action link to the end and changed radix ui classes. I don’t have a picture but you can see the updated version at codeboard.craigg.dev. Repo is here. (Day 4 of #C045S4393CY|)
Day 3 of #C045S4393CY| Today I started implementing Face ID into my python phone, it is an algorithm that takes a one time picture of your face that only the code can see(you can change it to save on your computer to use the same face id login everytime)This makes login faster and more cool, there are no sensors involved, it is just a pure picture! I have been prototyping face id for a while but recently came up with the best design!(It's been a while since i've added something that is not an app, didn't have a log in feature before this)
Day 2 in #C045S4393CY| Adding python phone into pybag so anyone can use it! Also seeing if I could add some sort of face id, no sensors just a secure face id that takes a picture of your face once, only the code can see it, then every time after that, when you log in you don't have to deal with entering passwords!(There were no passwords in the first place though lol) Also fixing bugs in my ai chatbot app in the phone
a different type of yap today: i like to jot and sketch random stuff down while doing things. i use to do it with paper, but it gets so messy and is kinda a waste... i got one of those cheap plastic/cardboard whiteboards from the dollar store, but those came pre scratched
melting_face emoji
and just would not erase cleanly. the glass whiteboards at unis are sooo nice, but a smaller one is like 30 bucks on amazon
rac_pf emoji
figured this was a good and short weekend project! a glass whiteboard really just is glass + white paint i wanted a glass whiteboard at least larger than letter paper. glass panels were shockingly expensive and difficult to buy, and I'm not paying $10+ for just one piece of ultra-thin glass. picture frames were the next thing i tried to look for, but all the modern ones use that cheap, thin plastic film instead of glass. at a second-hand store, i found a picture frame with not one, but two 14"x11", 1/8" thick (which is pretty good) sheets for under $3 total. i figured i'd mess up the first one accidently. also bought some sand paper and white spray paint (less than $12 total) i cleaned the glass with soap + water and then alcohol. taped up the edges and went ham with the sandpaper on the glass for better paint adhesion later. i have zero clue how to spray paint, so I applied wayy too much paint on the first try. it got sticky and i had to sand it off to be more even and fixed it with a couple more light coats and a lot of waiting in between. i did a light sanding after it dried and i had a glass whiteboard
yay emoji
dry erase markers erase so nicely on glass it was so worth it. costed in total less than $15, and i can make a second one, with spare paint and sand paper for other things
[Day 6] Making a website for my Boy Scout Troop. 19.34 hours later, I finished the recipes page, pictures page, and started on the final page, the email page. I added a section for the Scouts to sign into the Leadership position for future ideas.
A remote control for a makerbuying robotic arm. It uses 2 arduino unos communicating via i2c, one for the robotic arm and one for the joysticks, so i can have a cable between them if i want to and i plan on using 2 esp32s to make it wireless in the future. I have never i2c before so i have learnt very much. Sadly i dont got any pictures of the projekt as it not here but here's a picture of the robotic arm.
Added ability to upload pictures + some other fixes, I think I will go to prod in the next few days
Today I wrote a Hello World! program. In fact, it was written in a programming language I invented. The Muffin language lets you write programs that look like cooking recipes. The picture below shows how the compiler compiles the Hello world recipe into a big chunk of js code that (surprisingly) prints out Hello world. Most part of the code generator was done now. Repo: github.com/CBerJun/Muffin
Continue working on Muffin (a weird programming language that allows you to write programs that look like cooking recipes) Regarding the syntax I changed the "dilute" statement into "add water" to make it less redundant. Day three working on the parser; today I implemented the "add ... into ..." grammar; the picture below shows a sample program that doesn't make sense and the AST generated for it by the compiler. Look at github.com/CBerJun/Muffin for the draft design of Muffin. (Day 4 on Scrapbook)
Day Three of making a Cute Pixel-Art Pomodoro Timer Browser Extension -- coding time: ~2 hours For day one and two, see my discord server here: discord.com/channels/1178803368806842408/1310350396396666910 But since you can earn doubloons now, I gotta post them here too! I made a shit ton of progress today. The first video is how it looked before today, the second video and the second picture how it looks now. This is what I added (among other things:) • A cute pixel art font and nice colors • A selector for different timers (pomodoro, short and long break) • Made the timer reset to its original time after it finished • Disabled the selector when a timer is running already. You can click "pause" and then you're able to start a new timer.
Continue to work on Muffin (a weird programming language that allows you to write programs that look like cooking recipes) Day two working on the parser; today I implemented the "if" predicate and "set up" grammar; the picture below shows a sample program that doesn't make sense and the AST generated for it by the compiler. (Day 3 on Scrapbook)
Finished an image upload command for my bot. Now my friends can upload stupid pictures of eachother, keep them al in a central place and send them when the time is right.
Loving NextJS so far. The way NextJS handles things is new for me, although I have made many apps I never actually learned anything, but this time I am making myself to the top. Anyways, My project is a part of a bigger picture, a full fledged productivity app. ChopProductivity will be one big productivity ecosystem of a app. Currently I am trying to make a local-db based pomodoro, then it will be a google-sign in prismaDB based cloud stored pomodoro app, then I will expand it to To-Do Lists and futher get it on multiple frameworks and platforms to increase my own productivity along with many others. Wish Me Luck. Made AT Highseas
Hello! Ever had a physics assignment that took too long for you? Ever tried using Chatgpt but the results just didn't feel right? Look no further! I'm working on a program that will solve all of your physics assignments in seconds, Pysics! The picture you're seeing is me using the functions i wrote to solve a physics assignment from my 9th grade book which i couldn't solve back in 9th grade. Also, I'm not using any external libraries to do this (other than matplotlib), not even Math or Numpy!
I finally finished the sexy-get command for my discord bot! It allows me and my friends in my discord server to have a collection of ugly pictures of eachother and share them when the time is right.
Added new pages to my site, a drop down menu and did lots of image organizing, did a lot more not shown in pictures.
Finally got my blot put together and working! Mostly anyway. Had a few bad attempts first, but I printed this pretty flower. Now I'm excited to make some more pictures.
Update 3: I've trained a LORA over the weekend to help me come up with more reference art and help inspire me as I work on scenes. Here you can see a picture I drew in figma yesterday and today (still missing a subject, but I've got the far clouds and the close shore created) and an XY plot of some different art generation settings I was playing with, and the comfyui node configuration I used to generate the reference pics!
ship time 🗣️ For times when they need blood urgently, they have one person painstakingly go through the sheet, filter out donors who haven’t donated in over three months, check if they meet certain other criteria, find out their distance from the center by putting in their address on google maps or something and individually call them on the phone and ask if they can donate. idk about you but no one deserves to go through that 💀 I asked the manager of the blood bank if I could maybe build something to help solve this as a summer project, and he, being the awesome person he is, agreed and even offered to take me around the blood bank! Here's an outline of the app and how it works. i've also posted a huge writeup + pictures from the tour of the blood bank in #C07JBQW5W3X|! (shameless plug 😋)
I shipped a opensource motor controller and datalogging system for Greenpower race cars, designed in order to maximise the speed and reduce the cost of these vechiles designed by young engineers and university teams. The motor controller is based around the RPI pico w and is a simple THT based pcb easy for teenagers to assemble and fix when at races, it's currently being made by jlcpcb thanks to onboard and I should be able to fit it to the car next week. Picture of me and my friends car jaws included which has been 13 years of work in the making. github.com/Gregor-Davies/Zevallos
PanicAltTab Quickly alt tab when someone walks in on you (Coding when you're supposed to be studying) Coding while you're supposed to do homework? Quickly alt tab when somebody walks past Source code can and installation tutorial can be found in my github repository: github.com/YeetTheAnson/PanicAltTab Use cases • Beside your door to switch tabs when it opens • Beside your laptop if you're sitting by the wall • Facing upwards, acting as a hotkey to alt tab with a gesture Attached below are some pictures, and demo of the thing in action
EcoSnap [Personal Assistant for Sustainable Living]! I’m thrilled to share the progress on EcoSnap, a personal assistant application designed to help users make eco-friendly choices effortlessly. This project has been a journey of integrating emerging technologies and sustainability. Check out the repository: github.com/MNTadros/EcoSnap Here are some progress pictures showcasing the app in action:
Over the last few months, I took part in a competition (Steamunity: Design for Humanity) and created a cool circuit to improve two-way communication between elderly residents and their visitors! It builds on the doorbell system to help alert elderlies that suffer from hearing disabilities. Check out the repo: github.com/DakshRocks21/Steamunity Can't post this without acknowledging my fellow no-lifer @dak5h who has been a blast to work with throughout, huge credits to him for making this with me. And below is a picture of the stuff in action. It's just circuits for now, but our team's gonna 3D model some cool stuff to make the entire setup look good.
Updated all my scrapbooks for: > • github.com/Ahnaf-nub/BMI_BMR_FEEDBACK > • github.com/Ahnaf-nub/GenZ > • github.com/Ahnaf-nub/Sauce-Ke > • github.com/Ahnaf-nub/YT-song-downloader > • github.com/Ahnaf-nub/Summarzy > • github.com/Ahnaf-nub/LLama3.1-chat-bot-with-groq > • github.com/Ahnaf-nub/Storyteller > • github.com/Ahnaf-nub/Blockchain > • github.com/Ahnaf-nub/Auto-Picture-deletion-tool > • github.com/Ahnaf-nub/Reinforcement-Q-learning-based-dodging-game > • github.com/Ahnaf-nub/Task-manager-bot > • github.com/Ahnaf-nub/Eye-exerciser > • github.com/Ahnaf-nub/Ahnaf-nub.github.io > • github.com/Ahnaf-nub/Audio_Analyzer > • github.com/Ahnaf-nub/CSV-Data-Visualizer-Streamlit > • github.com/Ahnaf-nub/Code-Documentation-Generator > • github.com/Ahnaf-nub/Rial-Browser > • github.com/Ahnaf-nub/Pico-W-Clock-with-OLED-Display-and-Pomodoro-Timer/tree/main > • github.com/Ahnaf-nub/Reinforcement-Q-learning-based-pong-game-with-esp32 > • github.com/Ahnaf-nub/Soil-moist-esp32 > • github.com/Ahnaf-nub/Fume-Extractor > • github.com/Ahnaf-nub/Motor
I tried sketching a picture that I saw online and have sketched using it as a reference in the past. This version is done mostly from memory, and I tried to change a few things to make it different from the first sketch, so it's not as good as the original one, but it was fun to try to draw from memory. Link to the GitHub commit: github.com/TazmeenM/drawingProject2
I started trying to draw a picture I took on Krita with a mouse and my laptop! I started drawing it before Arcade, but I also drew a bit of it during Arcade, so I'm sharing it here. Link to the GitHub repo: github.com/TazmeenM/digitalDrawingProject
My Go learning journey with GOPL github.com/DatCodeMania/LearningGo Yes, I know this doesn't have any pictures, that's just because there isn't really anything to show pictures of - view visual representations of some of the 'mathy' stuff in chapter 3 in the relevant folders, theres some PNGs and some HTML files that you can render.
I've updated the readme files for my projects with pictures and links to live previews of the deployed projects. Here are the updated repositories: github.com/PawiX25/Dealik github.com/PawiX25/SimpleTodoCLI github.com/PawiX25/Portfolio github.com/PawiX25/pygame-conways-game-of-life github.com/PawiX25/Budgeter github.com/PawiX25/CountMyWords github.com/PawiX25/SimpleWeatherCLI github.com/PawiX25/TimePom github.com/PawiX25/SimpleWeatherGUI github.com/PawiX25/PygameMaze github.com/PawiX25/maze-creator-solver github.com/PawiX25/Framework-Design-Comparison github.com/PawiX25/MockVoltApp github.com/PawiX25/BrickBash
BetterPNGTools A free version of Online PNG Tools ad-free with processing done locally. Why choose BetterPNGTools over onlinepngtools.com? • It is ad free • Faster processing time • Free of charge • No queuing time Source code can and installation tutorial can be found in my github repository: github.com/YeetTheAnson/BetterPNGTools Usage 1. After launching the GUI, use the search box to search for a tool, or use the scroll wheel to scroll through the tools option 2. Select the desired tool and press Start Now 3. Upload image into upload box, enter setting parameters and press Apply 4. Press the Save button to save converted image 5. Type in 'bartosz' in the search box for an easter egg Attached below are some pictures and demo video (+ easter egg demo)
I made a picture frame designed to be 3d printed (built in connecting pieces designed to fit on an Ender 3) github.com/jedim101/frame
A repost for @hakkuun : Made a robot for WRO (WIP) which is going along well, and this is all the progress I'm getting out before this event ends. Github Repo: github.com/tyzrichard/wro-robot Current Progress (lots of back and forth prototyping) shown in the picture below!
I work on LIS - LegoInvSystem I work on: • Fix the collection System • Add a Picture as Preview in Collections and Result • Add a instructions Link to the official Lego Site • many little changes github.com/JonasHeilig/LIS-LegoInvSystem
I have 2 hours I did not submit in this scrapbook, I would have linked it here, but the bot stopped me so I have taken a picture, sorry about that but I had more than 50 hours waiting.
GraphingCalculator A graphing calculator made on html Uses javascript and chart.js to plot a mathematical equation. Source code can be found on my github repository: github.com/YeetTheAnson/GraphingCalculator Try out the graphing calculator here: yeettheanson.github.io/GraphingCalculator/index.html Usage 1. Type in any mathematical equation 2. Set your X domain below the keypad 3. Press the graph button to start plotting 4. Use the arrow button to move the caret (text cursor) How it works 1. First a lower and upper domain is determined, and the range between the domain is calculated (upper - lower domain) 2. 5000 data point is obtained by using a for loop and the equation: LowerDomain + (Range*n)/5000 3. Y value is calculated by subbing into the equation 4. 5000 pairs of coordinates are obtained and plotted Attached below are some pictures and video of the graphing calculator in action:
MILESTONE: Shadcs inspired UI library Written in svelte Desc: This is a ui library that was written in svelte and inspired by the Shadcn ui library. I have just finished prototyping all of the 20+ components and still need to add the picture previews on the github. The library will be available for use soon. Repo: github.com/Anant-raj2/ui-lib
CycloneArcadeGame A replica of the cyclone (rigged game) in arcades. To win this game, press the button and stop the led at the exact position to win Usage 1. Press the button at the point where the led is (Shown in video) 2. LED will flash green, and OLED will display 'You Win' of you win 3. Type in mastermode to enter the master menu. The password is HackClubArcade 4. Press the button to switch between game speed and rigged percentage in master menu 5. Type in exitmastermode to return to normal game Features • Game master can set rigged percentage and speed Installation tutorial, source code and more info can be found in my github repo: github.com/YeetTheAnson/CycloneArcadeGame Attached below are some pictures and video of the game in action:
ESP32Joystick A wifi joystick with the interface hosted on an esp8266 (Despite the name "ESP32Joystick" it uses an ESP8266, it is because I intended an ESP32 to be used at first, but it got too complicated) This esp8266 joystick has an interface made with html, css and javascript which are hosted on a WiFi capable microcontroller, the esp8266. The esp8266 communicates with an Arduino Pro Micro which emulates the Xbox 360 HID controller over I2C bus protocol. The reason I chose to emulate an Xbox360 controller was because of it is widely supported by many devices that runs on android, IOS, mac or windows. Installation tutorial, source code and more info can be found in my github repo: github.com/YeetTheAnson/ESP32Joystick Attached below are some pictures and video of the wireless joystick in action
Continue working on the website for a local football club. I did many new things with js (that I am very proud for achieving) and astro. Also I made a custom and very cool imo control panel for html audio/video Here are some pictures: