A wifi joystick with the interface hosted on an esp8266
(Despite the name "ESP32Joystick" it uses an ESP8266, it is because I intended an ESP32 to be used at first, but it got too complicated)
This esp8266 joystick has an interface made with html, css and javascript which are hosted on a WiFi capable microcontroller, the esp8266. The esp8266 communicates with an Arduino Pro Micro which emulates the Xbox 360 HID controller over I2C bus protocol.
The reason I chose to emulate an Xbox360 controller was because of it is widely supported by many devices that runs on android, IOS, mac or windows.
Installation tutorial, source code and more info can be found in my github repo:
Attached below are some pictures and video of the wireless joystick in action
@MatthewSoh0A php project that shows bus arrival times (in Singapore).
Made using PHP, JS, HTML, CSS.
Enjoy! (if you actually decide download the project and run it locally).
@MatthewSoh0Enjoy my new bus-arrivals site, now with full working functionality and (hopefully) higher accuracy.
Enjoy! (If you are in Singapore and happen to take buses)
@MatthewSoh0Finished implementing my bookmark feature on my bus-arrivals project.
Made using PHP, JS, HTML.
github.com/mattsoh/bus-arrivals@MatthewSoh0(reposted again)
My updated bus arrivals website, now with most all (*cough cough) issues fixed!
(Only useful to those using buses in Singapore.)
My updated bus arrivals website, now with most all (*cough cough) issues fixed!
(Only useful to those using buses in Singapore.)
@MatthewSoh0My first (working) API website that gives you data on your next bus (if you're in Singapore, that is)!
(I'll need to make it more user-friendly later on.)
Made using PHP & JS (and therefore, by extension, HTML & CSS).
@ajhalili20063Not a official #arcade entry yet (because Heidi Hakkuun is possibly being hit by the autistic burnout bus (own head-canons here, pardon for the uninitiated) and is being recovering from that lately), but I made greate progress to my golinks rewrite, including a no CSS deprecated golink landing page and CI deploys via GitHub Actions.
Also apologies for late night posts from the Philippines for those on the other side of the globe, mostly because I am a night owl autistic as a coping mechanism.
@potatoes0made a bus with blot github.com/hackclub/blot/pull/712@Sushii0Made a neural network that attempts to copy shakespere writing based of his actual work here is a link to the repository: github.com/aayanrahman/Shakespeare-Neural-Network and here is a sample of its work : [there hand do be to me the sarce of the son for unce so stee do bus not and see are me, she hearth the ray his some to me deart of your sin, than love i may send the chill of herefore.]
@EvanGan0Day 143
Today I departed from my stay at HQ. I had a great time & met some awesome folks! On the 5 hour bus ride back I worked more on the backup board software for my group's trail project.
@EvanGan0Day 140
Today I visited HQ and helped with the blot kits & worked on my magic 8 ball jam. I also got to play with @Micha's arcade edition e-fidget! Currently on the bus to fireworks because Burlington celebrates the 4th of July on the 3rd.
@EvanGan0Day 139
In transit! Today I took the greyhound bus 5 hours to HQ & got settled in the dorms. Got to meet @iUnstable0 & worked on some board stuff.
@ajs20Finished the map for Hack The Interstate (#something-on-a-bus-this-summer)!
@YutaroU.-U04FSLFMB5Y0Day 2/10 of #hardware-party! Finished designing the box to house all of the components in. Added a overhang so that the pressure and humidity can still be sensed while the box is closed while still providing shelter from the rain. Formatted one of my project 128mb micro sd cards to implement logging. Spent some time banging my head against the wall trying to figure out where the BMP280 is located on the I2C bus. Turns out the manufacturer (seller 3rd party) was wrong and the sensor is not on 0x77 but instead on 0x76. Will print the box tomorrow time permitting.
@AyushPaul-U02GHNT70TB05/#10-days-in-public: didnt manage to get much done today because i had to pack and take the 3 hour bus to school 😒 but check out this cool css proof of concept i managed to mangle together in the bus ride!@benjamin0Coworking and coding w @rishi on the bus because the grind never stops
@Skye0Waiting for 2 hours for the bus. Sitting inside a bakery with a friend right now
@ZoeDroulias0Successful day in soccer with 400 calories burned. Celebrating with music and munchkins on the bus ride back from Randall’s Island.
@courtney0I made time to write today (for the first time in too long) - on the overcrowded bus, but it’s surprising the different places I get sudden inspiration.