@guacmd0hi, i’m guac and this is my first scrapbook post! i just did scrapyard austin and i feel wayy more inspired to actually code things instead of just… breaking them. i like Python and Java like a basic bitch, but i’ve also been using C# and .NET for a school project and oh my god it’s like if you could actually make GUIs in Java… anyways i bought a kick-ass little $30 ESP-32 demon that has some DANGEROUS capabilities, and i think my next project is to write some firmware for a hardware cryptography module i bought for it!
@Micha0For my first day of #C045S4393CY|, I worked on getting #C07F3EA2L8G| to stop buffering! I lowered the stream bitrate and tweaked some FFMpeg parameters while live on YouTube and learned that low-end Hetzner dedicated servers don't like Intel VAAPI hardware acceleration
Despite that, I was successful, and the stream no longer buffers!
@DynamicWhiteHat0today I finished the code for my arduino pong game and am wokring on making a lego case for it!
@AneeshS0Optimized game code and added some level of hardware acceleration to reach 400 fps with floor and wall rendering.@DynamicWhiteHat0today I worked on a pong game for arduino using a dot matrix display. My arduino's analog pins might be broken though, as the potentiometers are not reading, but a simple circuit with them and a light works perfectly fine 😞
@DynamicWhiteHat0Today I worked on creating and shipping an arduino launchpad. It comes preloaded with 4 star wars themes and plays 10 notes.
@DynamicWhiteHat0Finished wiring and testing an MPU6050 with an arduino uno. Got it visualized, which was fun:
@Nathan0this is my x64 multitasking UEFI Operating System. I started it maybe a week ago, so I'm pretty proud of it. It runs on real hardware too! This is made in pure C, C++, and x64 Assembly, github.com/AzureianGH/AquaniteOS
@RyanDiLorenzo-U04JGJN2B400I completed my first full PCB assembly using a PCB I made. The PCB I created it a re-creation of the stock one used for my 3D Printer that I added some new ports/connectors for, all without the original PCB files. I used both leaded solder and bismuth solder paste, this was my first time using solder paste and first time working with bismuth, I found bismuth's melting point to be excruciatingly low since the 4-layer PCB had so much thermal mass. Here are some photos I took along the way, lmk if anyone has questions.
@YeGao0Been learning more about PCB desgin as I'm kinda of interested in soldering my bin parts onto a custom PCB
@NathanTsai0I learnt that a potentiometer is impossible to fit into a breadboard, and connecting it is fragile. I also learned how how to use an arduino. github.com/nathantsai1/boredlights
@anne0[making for #C07NUNPGEU8| and bin] initially spent time (~2 hours) making four 88 led matrixes in a chain display words using the raspberry pi pico by coding in micropython. changed to a single 88 led matrix because of bin requirements but you can still display whatever you want and the words in the order repeat indefinitely. will be adding complexity in the future as i read up further on hardware wokwi.com/projects/409701390916206593
@EXELVI0Today I am tidying up and cleaning my arduino kits, I have a lot of modules so it will take a while
@JosiasAtHackClub0update on a drone side project i've been working with @GlenMue (haven't shared updates in a while, cuz it's actually hard, lots of hiccups along the way, this is my first hardware project and... well... life has been lifeeeinnngggg 🌦️)
1. got most of the firmware implemented and the PID controller
2. got one of the propellers broken during a test
- we now need to get a new set, haven't found any yet in shops around (hopefully won't have to order online)
That's all I've to share, gotta get back to work
Linked a video to showcase the work we've done so far@EXELVI0I always had a lot of arduino RFID modules to solder, today I decided to solder them one by one
@TawhidBinOmar0arduino flight controller in c.
Github@ShreyasDeo0The second robot is done! I am so glad I got to finish this - thanks HC for giving me a reason to learn robotics (and learn how to solder)! I'll definitely revisit this project and make it better later! (2/2 - Follower-Robot is done!)
@Jolomolokolo0After countless hours of tinkering, writing code, and testing with hardware, the DEEJ-Audio Mixer is nearly complete, but due to a lack of production facilities, the project must temporarily be put on hold until the right circumstances align.
Github Repo: github.com/jolomolokolo/deej
@Jolomolokolo0After countless hours of tinkering, writing code, and testing with hardware, the DEEJ-Audio Mixer is nearly complete, but due to a lack of production facilities, the project must temporarily be put on hold until the right circumstances align.
Github Repo: github.com/jolomolokolo/deej
@anne0tried to make a hardware TOTPkey and failed miserably because (1) the routing was crazy difficult since im not good at PCB stuff and (2) the firmware part legitimately made me cry. find it at github.com/arsoninstigator/hardware-TOTkey
@Rayan0Some weeks ago I made a push counter for an esp32 in order to receive it for the bin, then I discovered that the custom fee was €23 and then I decided to buy an Arduino, so now I've had to make the old code for esp32, Arduino compatible, and so far is going great
Custom made USB 3 hub using USB5534B Host Controller
Gerber files can be found in my github repository: github.com/YeetTheAnson/USB3Hub
• Supports 5Gbps SuperSpeed protocol (With supported hardware, and while using one usb port only)
• Has 4 Usb 3.0 capable ports (480Mbps when used simultaneously)
• Type C input
Parts (Significant)
• USB5534B-5000JZX USB Host Controller
• Type C input
• 4x USB3.0 output
Attached below are some images of the PCB, and a video of the 3d view
@Mirrreeek0iCE40 DevBoard · A simple development board design for the iCE5LP2K-SG48 FPGA.
I needed to learn how to make FPGA board for a future project (a VGA GPU for my breadboard computer), so I tried making a devboard. Chose the cheapest one that has enough block RAM: iCE5LP2K.
There are many issues with the board - no 5v/3v3/GND on the headers, some mistakes in the schematic and other stuff. I couldn't even get the FPGA to configure (maybe fried it during hot-air soldering?) and don't quite have time to debug it/order a new one, so more updates at the GitHub repo I guess.
GitHub: github.com/Mirrrek/iCE40DevBoard
@ShreyasDeo0I made a robot for the very first time (thanks HC for giving me an excuse to)! It's an autonomous maze-solving robot (a Micromouse!), made using an Arduino UNO R3, an L298N Motor Driver, a pair of DC motors and three ultrasonic sensors! It uses a very simple left-wall following algorithm, and although there is a lot I could do to improve, I believe this is good enough (for now, atleast!) I'll try to revisit this sometime in the future, and maybe experiment with more complex algorithms like floodfill!
GitHub Repository: github.com/deoshreyas/Micromouse
@ShreyasDeo0I made a robot for the very first time (thanks HC for giving me an excuse to)! It's an autonomous maze-solving robot (a Micromouse!), made using an Arduino UNO R3, an L298N Motor Driver, a pair of DC motors and three ultrasonic sensors! It uses a very simple left-wall following algorithm, and although there is a lot I could do to improve, I believe this is good enough (for now, atleast!) I'll try to revisit this sometime in the future, and maybe experiment with more complex algorithms like floodfill!
GitHub Repository: github.com/deoshreyas/Micromouse
@anne0i built (/ am building) a micropad ! while this would be much simpler if i was working with arduino, i started this project with esp32 on wokwi as a part of the #C06R2QQT5M4| electronics project. unfortunately, while working with that microcontroller, it was announced that it was to be removed from the bin form since it was too expensive. i was forced to switch over to pi pico to salvage some of my work so here we are ! i'm designing the pcb so i can have it fabricated so i can work with an arduino (that i'll source myself) and make an actual funky macropad with latest functionalities. find my repo at github.com/arsoninstigator/macropad.pi-pico@AnshumanTripathy0made a arduino nano expansion shield along with dedicated input for I2c and Bluetooth along with 3.3v bus
@YashSethuraman0Hello! More model work 💀 has been done... here's the repo: github.com/yashsethu/ball_track_robot and some pics? Sorry, its the same pic as last time because i haven't booted the models onto my hardware yet
@Aarush0Did some soldering on my Raspberry Pi zero 2. Will use this in a future project hopefully. Maybe a camera system for my room... The soldering is kinda choppy and took a while as I'm a newbie. Happy with the results tho. github.com/highfrog489/arcade-rasberry-pi
@Gestolennaam0Worked on a snake game in arduino wokiwi.
But worked just a few hours on it, and it doesn't work really yet. (submitting this because arcade is almost ending)