take santa's test to find out!! you have to answer 15 questions and you have to pick the right reaction to a message, like:
"i just spent an hour reading confessions posts"
would you react
. btw the answers are all just my opinion and im not rlly an expert
@MuhammadRohanGhalib0Today i learnt how to build ipn systems to Seamlessly create and update transactions regardless of user input. they are cool though. at first i couldnt figure out how can i send post requests to my localhost then ngrok came into my mind
@MuhammadRohanGhalib0i optimized by github profile and thankfully got my first badge too!
@RyanDiLorenzo-U04JGJN2B400I completed my first full PCB assembly using a PCB I made. The PCB I created it a re-creation of the stock one used for my 3D Printer that I added some new ports/connectors for, all without the original PCB files. I used both leaded solder and bismuth solder paste, this was my first time using solder paste and first time working with bismuth, I found bismuth's melting point to be excruciatingly low since the 4-layer PCB had so much thermal mass. Here are some photos I took along the way, lmk if anyone has questions.
@Jignesh0Published my cli app cli-share
With this you can transfer files between devices just by scanning a qrcode
But both of them need to be in the same local network.
Made this using nodejs and I saw this implemented several years ago by some person but it is in rust language, so I thought to make it in javascript as I felt like this could be core usage of nodejs
This is inspired from that project (qrcp)
This would be really handy for sending data between devices in a quick way without intermediaries(whatsapp, usb,etc )
This is published to npm.
Published: www.npmjs.com/package/@jignesh119/cli-share
PFA demo of app
@YuviRaj0#C01504DCLVD| Hello yall just made this cute looking bottle house in blender took me over 22 hours hope you guys liked it. Note: This is not a duplicate but was sent due to a technical problem with my hakkuun bot which is not showing the rest of my threads Here is the github link: github.com/Yuvi-raj-P/BottleHouse
@JerryLi0My main project, "replac3d", a 3D printer build plate replacing robot, just successfully finished its first cycle!!!. More info is in the project's README. If you are interested in this project at all, feel free to DM me!
The repository contains the README, .STEP and .F3Z (Fusion360 Archive) files, as well as .INO files for code and pictures + videos in .MD files for documentation.
Repository link:
File commit link:
Watch a video of it working here:
@Stefan0I created a simple news aggregator in plain HTML, JS, CSS- with the added benefit to having a similar style to the hc arcade shop!
• Fetches news from API
• Shows it in a list
• Allows for viewing the full article
Repo: github.com/Naainz/News
@Victorio0Hack night ping
Hack night ping is a bot that aims to get all the users timezones and allow users to schedule hacknights. It's explained more in depth in the README.
About the project this has been my first time touching SQL databases and the slack api. Actually both easier than what I tought. Slack api is weird tho, it does weird stuff. This was fun to make, if you want to use the bot or check out development testing you can see it on #hack-night-ping-bot. I hope someone actually use this.
I also made a short demo video about the bot, attached. Thanks for reading )))
github.com/v1ctorio/hack-night-ping@Anson-U07FPDRVCD80Made a car on a PCB
• ESP32-S3-WROOM-1 for processing and connectivity
• NRF24L01 for 2.4GHz wireless communication
• MPU6050 3 axis gyro and accelerometer to dectect orientation of the car
• HMC5883L 3 axis compass that can determine direction
• L928N H-bridge motor driver to move the wheels
• Reflective IR sensor To detect when the car is about to fall off a ledge
• HR-SC04 Untrasonic distance sensor to detect object in front of the car
More info + gerber file can be found in my github repo: github.com/YeetTheAnson/PCBRobotCar/tree/main
3d View of the PCB can be found here: www.flux.ai/yeettheanson/pcbrobot?editor=pcb_3d
Attached below are some pictures and video of the PCB:
@Aram1Over the past couple of days, I have been working on making some cool graphs with an API key Sound Transit . This uses shadcn/ui charts (which I've been wanting to try for a while) and it ended up really good!
I finished the starting info for a country, Canadian Mission in Maine. I've also worked on localisation, gfx a ton of gfx in this. You will need to own Hearts of Iron IV to experience this, it's in the README.