

0-day streak
A short mini-project to kill some time. I created a live clock website. This can either show the user's current time, '/' endpoint. Or you can search for country, or specific timezone: • '/c' for country [followed by ISO 2-letter country code] • '/t' for timezone Repo: Demo: [i didn't choose the name 😭]
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I made a Flight booking + searching webapp. It accurately provides user with real-time flight information, and allows them to book flights (airline website). • [X] Searching • [X] Booking • [X] View flight information (airline, flight no) Repo:
github emoji
summer-of-making emoji
I created a simple news aggregator in plain HTML, JS, CSS- with the added benefit to having a similar style to the hc arcade shop! • Fetches news from API • Shows it in a list • Allows for viewing the full article Repo:
I made a 'travel planner' in HTML JS CSS for simple travel itinerary generation! Features: • Plan a trip based on given location, start date, and duration. • Show average temperature between the two selected dates • Uses GPT to show other relevant information about destination • Starry background - alike arcade's shop! Repo:
summer-of-making emoji
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I made a 'Louvre' virtualization with one painting in it, the most famous one. The Mona Lisa. It's really buggy since I've never made a 3d webpage using a-frame, however I find it decent for my first ever attempt. Repo: Demo:
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summer-of-making emoji
I wrote a clone in astro.js NoHello is built to gently remind people to get to the point in chat messages, rather than starting with a simple "Hello" and then waiting for a response. The project is also localized in multiple languages to ensure that the message reaches a global audience. Features: • Multi-language support: Automatically redirects users to a localized version of the site based on their IP address. • Dynamic content: Localized greetings and explanations for why starting a chat with "Hello" isn't always the best approach. • The Boys Characters Repo: Demo: Disclaimer: NONE of the code from was copied and used in this project. This project was entirely an attempt to rebuild an existing website in a different framework. All that is copied, is the long chunks of text explaining why starting conversations with Hello is bad.
I made a super-lightweight browser with Python, and PyQt5. Short FAQ: Is it better than Chrome? No Am I going to use it? No Is the browser actually good? If you don't care about design, and only want a simple browser, Zephyr's for you. Repo:
I created an esoteric programming language (based on python) that contains unique features, no other software manufacturer dares to develop. Some features that Braindumb has: • Special syntax! i am inevitable: Removes a value from existence in the program. The value is no longer recognized or processed in any output. and i am ironman: Restores a previously removed value so it can be used again. Use and i am ironman * to restore all values. • Special Variables Red Variables: Variables declared with the red keyword can only hold odd numbers. If assigned an even number, the value is automatically incremented by 1. Green Variables: Variables declared with the green keyword can only hold even numbers. If assigned an odd number, the value is automatically decremented by 1. Blue Variables: Variables declared with the blue keyword can only hold strings that contain at least one vowel. If no vowel is found, the string is punished by appending "balls" to it. • And so many more, in the README! Repo:
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I created a interactive chessboard that can highlight legal moves upon piece clicks, but it does not function as a proper chess game. Features: • Shows a chessboard • Highlights legal moves upon piece clicks • Shows chesspieces using fas icons Demo: Repo:
I made a transcription engine using Vosk and OpenAI whisper. This differs from any other transcription engine on Github, by utilising the user with the following features: • Automated summary and read-aloud of inputted audiofile • YouTube audio summary and read-aloud (GPT + Elevenlabs) • Multi-lingual transcription (OpenAI Whisper) • Realtime TTS (Vosk, or Whisper) Repo: Please read the README to get started!
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I made a Documentation Engine in Astro.js, with docs written in MDX. It’s super simple to use, responsive, and lightweight. The instructions for installation are well documented in both the README, and the actual MD documentation. Website: I currently can't deploy to vercel [because i'm broke 😭]. Repo:
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ultrafastparrot emoji
I made a website in astro.js that can check for domain and email address availability based off a simple address prompt! Features: • Domain & Email input • TLD Validation • Whois and DNS record lookups • Purchasing option (if available / unregistered) Repo :
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I made a 'keyboard test' alongside a typing speed test, which has a minimalist, simple design and nice transitions. • Accurately tracks keystrokes • 30s wpm test • Nice design Repo : Demo :
summer-of-making emoji
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I made an astro.js website that helps people find real-estate for a designated area! Features: • Map searching (if you want to be veeryyy specific) • Form searching, enter a city and country- get your properties in seconds • Property display, with information regarding its location • OpenAI integration (ai = better) Repo :
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I made a language flashcard webapp designed to help users learn vocabulary in any language. Choose a language in the long 'Language Selection' sidebar, a looong db of language options (108!) and happy learning! Repo :
summer-of-making emoji
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I made a Food AI - use YOLO and APIs to find recipes based on availability. This project was written completely in Python (with CSS for flask gui). Repo: My scripts do the following: • Gives user a recipe from ingredient input / image (using YOLO) • Provides allergy information • Provides nutritional information for a meal • Meal Planning • Provides recipe for a meal, with quantities of ingredients. • GUI in the form of a website (in flask) • Standalone scripts also available (in root directory)
I made an 'image description' AI. It works in the following steps: • Takes in an input image • Sends the input to BLIP processing (generates mock caption) • Sends the input to YOLO to gather number of objects within the image • Sends the 'mock caption' to GPT-4o-mini to generate a small description for the image It also outputs a yolo.png file so you can see a sort of cool visual of objects in the input image. You can also use for a webserver GUI in flask Repo:
summer-of-making emoji
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I made a picture-in-picture Chromium extension for websites that don't have the feature for themselves. Setup is simple, and well documented in the README file of the repo. Multitask with much ease and don't worry about missing an important bit in your show. Repo :
Circuit Breaker - A Sprig Game Repo : This is a sort of 'maze' game, that allows the player to move, while trying to escape patrolling ghosts! The objective of this game is to successfully navigate the player from their origin to the circuit. [See attached images]
I made an 'embed generator' in astro.js and typescript. The embed generator can generate embeds for Slack, Discord, and WhatsApp, through a simple YouTube or TikTok link. Will probably add some more in the future! Repo:
summer-of-making emoji
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I made a github repo that contains a lot of unnecessary addons to the game 'Snake'. Here is what you can do: • Play snake... from the javascript console, because why not? • Play snake from the python terminal, again- why not? • Play snake.. but the window bounces around the screen like a DVD screensaver. • Snake, but you have to watch a (raid shadow legends) ad every ~5 seconds. • Snake, but your stock price can't crash. [see attached image] Repo:
I made a financial assistance website, which contains stock information, and some relevant stock news. GitHub repo : Demo (not functional!) : Follow the steps in the Github README to install Econ-hub, and to get started for yourself. You will need 3 free (LIMITED) API services: • Finnhub APITwelve DataFMP Because these APIs are limited, I cannot provide them in my demo, and you must include them for yourself, as described in the README.
summer-of-making emoji
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A License information website. Useful for developers, and curious folk: Follow instructions in the README for installation, requires Node.JS and NPM. Unfortunately, Vercel has locked me out with a paywall, so I am unable to have this hosted, for the time being. You can still self-host, if you would like to.
summer-of-making emoji
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I created a Movie Recommendation AI in AstroJS, powered by OpenAI GPT-4o-mini, and TMDb for poster art. Repo: Demo: Please note that if you try to use the demo, it will not give perfect recommendations, as it is using cached data, previously provided from AI. I can't afford to support many users through my $3 OpenAI balance, so if you want to reproduce the AI, and try it for yourself, visit my repo, and follow steps in the readme.