Posts tagged with :typescript:

function y(b){return(b-32)*5/9}function z(b){return b*9/5+32}function A(b){return b-273.15}function B(b){return b+273.15}for await(let b of console){if(!b||b==="exit")break;const[,q,w,x]=b.match(/(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s*([fkc])\s*(?:in|to)\s*([fkc])/i)||[];if(!q||!w||!x){console.log("Invalid input");continue}const j=parseFloat(q);let g;switch(w.toLowerCase()+x.toLowerCase()){case"fc":g=y(j);break;case"cf":g=z(j);break;case"kc":g=A(j);break;case"ck":g=B(j);break;default:console.log("Invalid conversion");continue}console.log(g)} Into this: function convertFahrenheitToCelsius(fahrenheitTemperature) { return ((fahrenheitTemperature - 32) * 5) / 9; } function convertCelsiusToFahrenheit(celsiusTemperature) { return (celsiusTemperature * 9) / 5 + 32; } function convertKelvinToCelsius(kelvinTemperature) { return kelvinTemperature - 273.15; } function convertCelsiusToKelvin(celsiusTemperature) { return celsiusTemperature + 273.15; } for await (let consoleLogEntries of console) { if (!consoleLogEntries || consoleLogEntries === "exit") break; const [, temperatureValue, matchedTemperatureValue, matchedTemperature] = consoleLogEntries.match( /(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s*([fkc])\s*(?:in|to)\s*([fkc])/i, ) || []; if (!temperatureValue || !matchedTemperatureValue || !matchedTemperature) { console.log("Invalid input"); continue; } const parsedTemperature = parseFloat(temperatureValue); let g; switch ( matchedTemperatureValue.toLowerCase() + matchedTemperature.toLowerCase() ) { case "fc": g = convertFahrenheitToCelsius(parsedTemperature); break; case "cf": g = convertCelsiusToFahrenheit(parsedTemperature); break; case "kc": g = convertKelvinToCelsius(parsedTemperature); break; case "ck": g = convertCelsiusToKelvin(parsedTemperature); break; default: console.log("Invalid conversion"); continue; } console.log(g); }

CLI in TypeScript on Deno and even moved into its own repository under Recap Time Squad after a month of hiatus (well school and other things in a nutshell for those who asked). I bet I'll be working on this after Arcade to make sure it's at least I do config parsing and other stuff.
Sneak around mau.dev/recaptime-dev/dotenv-tools (also mirroring on GitHub at github.com/recaptime-dev/dotenv-tools) for install docs and feel free to send patches. 🙂

npm create sprig
) and a VSCode extension