

0-day streak
summer-of-making emoji
github emoji Worked on code for our VEX VRC Robotics team, worked on things like LED's, main code and few other things in different repos Made a lot of updates, got the bot working, some functions working and just working on polishing features up and getting ready to finish off the demo version.
Complex discord bot that I'm doing for more experience! Channel creation and deletion working! Need to work on inviting people to channels, role assignments, formatting and then expanding on my features. Enjoying making this bot so far as it'll look great on my portfolio, and will hopefully lead to bigger things! Great for experience with dealing with a client, being professional in communication, updates etc. As with my other bot I was pretty self directed apart from a few minor design changes (color of embeds etc.)
The Discord Bot I made for RepTronics to assist buyers, provide seller's information, for post ticket support and a few other things. I really enjoyed making this and it's an awesome thing to add to my portfolio as it's in a 21k+ member server!
This discord bot was for the discord server RepTronics. It was created as a way for buyers to decide what chip they should get, give links and contact details for sellers, and small other things, like it's ability to load cogs that can do various things, and the /ts survey. Took a while to get right, and I'm thankful I'm finally done so I can sleep haha 💤 ps: if you want to see the bot in action, go to the RepTronics discord server (bot deployed, just need to unprivate the bot commands channel!
Got buttons working on my discord bot!! Basic commands working, cog loading working, working on making buttons work for each chip, eg. /Gen2Info would bring up 4 buttons, one for each chip each with a different embed.
Finally got most of my UserManagement cog working. Greetings cog fully working, functions to load cogs, sync commands and test ping are all working. I just need to finish up the UserManagement cog and then I'll be able to start working on the other 10 or so cogs I'm trying to do.
Core website is done, now I just need to work more on styling/design, choose a good font, and build on my current website, maybe making a cv page too? Also need to fix the C symbol
c emoji
github emoji
summer-of-making emoji
Basic foundations of the code are done, I just need to work on some CAD and building before I code as we need to figure out our plan. I will be working on getting addressable lights for the brain, using the threewire port to power them, and also making a GUI for the brain, to switch things like auton modes from defending to attacking etc.
Finished a discord bot for a server, basic commands work, now I need to work on revising the commands and finding what will work best for users of the bot.