Posts tagged with :spring-of-making:

const width = 125; const height = 125; setDocDimensions(width, height); const penguinCenter = [100, 150]; const bodyHeight = 180; const bodyWidth = 120; const wingWidth = 40; const wingHeight = 80; const eyeRadius = 10; const beakWidth = 20; const beakHeight = 30; const eyeOffsetX = 30; const eyeOffsetY = -50; const finalLines = []; // Function to draw an ellipse function drawEllipse(center, width, height) { const points = []; for (let i = 0; i <= 360; i++) { const angle = i * Math.PI / 180; const x = center[0] + width * Math.cos(angle) / 2; const y = center[1] + height * Math.sin(angle) / 2; points.push([x, y]); } return points; } // Function to draw a circle function drawCircle(center, radius) { return drawEllipse(center, radius * 2, radius * 2); } // Function to draw the beak function drawBeak(center, width, height) { return [ center, [center[0] - width / 2, center[1] + height], [center[0] + width / 2, center[1] + height], center ]; } // Draw the body finalLines.push(drawEllipse(penguinCenter, bodyWidth, bodyHeight)); // Draw the wings const leftWingCenter = [penguinCenter[0] - bodyWidth / 2 + wingWidth / 2, penguinCenter[1]]; const rightWingCenter = [penguinCenter[0] + bodyWidth / 2 - wingWidth / 2, penguinCenter[1]]; finalLines.push(drawEllipse(leftWingCenter, wingWidth, wingHeight)); finalLines.push(drawEllipse(rightWingCenter, wingWidth, wingHeight)); // Draw the eyes const leftEyeCenter = [penguinCenter[0] - eyeOffsetX, penguinCenter[1] + eyeOffsetY]; const rightEyeCenter = [penguinCenter[0] + eyeOffsetX, penguinCenter[1] + eyeOffsetY]; finalLines.push(drawCircle(leftEyeCenter, eyeRadius)); finalLines.push(drawCircle(rightEyeCenter, eyeRadius)); // Draw the beak const beakCenter = [penguinCenter[0], penguinCenter[1] + eyeOffsetY + 20]; finalLines.push(drawBeak(beakCenter, beakWidth, beakHeight)); // Render the penguin drawLines(finalLines);