

0-day streak
discord emoji
github emoji
summer-of-making emoji
I have created a server monitor for my server, there are instructions on how to use it for your own server. Either you use a Discordbot or a Slack App or both 👀 GIthub:
slack emoji
summer-of-making emoji
github emoji
discord emoji
summer-of-making emoji
python emoji
github emoji
summer-of-making emoji
github emoji
hardware emoji
I have created a Minecraft plugin with a few simple functions of which you can also see some in the screenshots, warp's, fly, home's, and a Tic Tac Toe Game. There is also a settings menu where you can set things Github:
After developing a Discordbot with Java, I thought I'd give JS a try. Since many people said "imagine using Java". Here is the Discordbot with a few basic functions:
java_duke emoji
summer-of-making emoji
js emoji
github emoji
As hakkuun would say "WOO WOO!!! YOU DID IT" and yes I did it. My Discordbot is as good as finished. My next milestone will be that you can link your Twitch and then a message will come when you go live. I'll only put the bot online when I'm completely finished. Github:
Hey, i made a discordbot, it's still a work in progress but i've already done a lot of things that were on my todo list, like a website for the settings, tic-tac-toe game, a ticket system and the message log system. This is open source and the code can be found on Github: The bot is not public yet, but I'll do my best to finish it soon so I can publish it
I've finally done it, I've set up my own website. This is an internal milestone for me, but to be honest I've been too lazy to really get to grips with it from time to time. Of course it's still under development and I'm still working on it, but at least it's already there!