@Yash0ticket-fh4s.onrender.com check out i made a ticket booking website by taking a random meuseum as a refrence@MattiaB0#C01504DCLVD|
This is a simple program that scrapes the skyscanner website to get the cheapest ticket for a specific destination and date.
It uses the selenium library to interact with the website and get the information.
Repo Link: github.com/Neetre/Ticket_admin.git
@c0I’m writing a textbook about algebraic number theory, in LaTeX. You can view the current compiled version at book.pdf in the repo, or in releases and the main bulk of the text is located in chapter.tex, in the author directory. github.com/zaaahir/algnt (Final repo for iPad!) (BONUS - 1 ticket away!!)
@Luca0I've started making a diary app, for now it's Just a login/register but with Firebase auth and db so some steps are done, (i still do have a ton to do but wanted tò post this so i can have enough ticket for the wacom) GitHub repo: github.com/luca611/pocket-diary-rn
@Michael-U06TYNCASBG0Introducing a new update for my Arcade WiFiClock firmware for Hack Hour Clocks/Arcade Ticket Counters! Major bugs were finally squashed a new 3D Printable case is out for you all to print and assemble!
@小波0AITicket, a Ticket System on Discord
It integrates with LLM API to analyze user intentions and create specialized service category channels, allowing customer service to understand issues more quickly!
It also supports automated interviews, saving real interviewers a significant amount of time!
GitHub repo: github.com/Xiaobonor/AITicket
Then I encountered some bugs. I maybe unable to see all my AITicket sessions at once in the chosen session menu (maybe a bug?). I cannot select all my sessions at once, so I have to split them into more parts.@TheGrass0I made an arcade ticket tracker that scrapes data from your shop url and updates the ticket count automatically without making you touch anything other than inputting the url. It has goals that uses the arcade API to get all the items in the shop
github.com/IM-THE-GRASS/ticker-tracker@lopa0i made a ticket tracker in js github.com/lopa-ok/ticket-tracker live : lopa-ok.github.io/ticket-tracker
@Eny0I got the second page of my Sprig Arcade project done!
It shows your current session, whether it is paused or not, the goal, what ticket number it is and how far along you are!
Check it out at github.com/EnyCode/sprig-arcade
Discord Ticket Bot
I made this discord ticket system, server configurable, it has web transcripts and rating for the ticket operator
github.com/EXELVI/Discord-Ticket-Bot@FelixGao1A sprig game!
*The following lore is just a joke, pls don't take seriously and don't sue me hack club
This game is a timed prison game where you need to escape in 5 minutes. With some funny lore for the comedy points! The lore is as follows. You were caught committing ticket fraud. Instead of banning you, the hack club staff felt experimental. You are now locked up in arcade prison for LIFE. Is this legal? Idk. But you need to escape. Lucky for you, the arcade staff are busy waking up the 3 children responsible for Hakkuun up, so you have, let's say, 5 minutes. Hurry.
Sprig PR: <https://github.com/hackclub/sprig/pull/2012>
My repo w/ commits & code: <https://github.com/API-Troubles/Sprig-Maze-Game>
Video demo below: Ignore the caught screen that was during previous testing. The video is ~2 minutes uncut.*@nikita0Ticket Progress Counter
I created a ticket progress counter but made it simple and easy to use without any unnecessary features.
Github Repository:github.com/nik-lmao/hackclub-arcade/tree/main/ticket-counterLink:hackclub.nik-dev.eu/ticket-counter@YusufKhan0#arcade Finally got my ticket command working ‼️
@Michael-U06TYNCASBG0Do you wish your Arcade Ticket Counter (or Hack Hour Clock) did more? Introducing Arcade-WiFiClock, an alternative firmware for the Arcade Ticket Counter that turns your ticket counter into a WiFi-powered desk clock using NTP. This makes it super accurate and doesn't require resetting the time after a power/network outage.
Massive thanks to @sam for helping me debug some major issues
@Dhyan990this ticket tracker is really good, shop page coming soon where you can wishlist stuff
@HaydenKong0Made a Arcade tracker and made it Arcade-themed! Input your ticket goal (default is set to 100) and then click the "Add 1 hour" button every time you complete a session to keep track of your sessions and see if you are on track to reach your goal before Aug 31st (end date for Arcade). Try it: pixelverseit.github.io/hackclub-arcade-tracker-htmlcssjs
Arcade Ticket & Remaining Session Time Counter
Still working on it! Completed the config website, device's wiring & screen pages. Working on the casing & API connection.
@PaccotheTaco0Hey, i made a discordbot, it's still a work in progress but i've already done a lot of things that were on my todo list, like a website for the settings, tic-tac-toe game, a ticket system and the message log system.
This is open source and the code can be found on Github: github.com/PaccoTheTaco/Toolbox
The bot is not public yet, but I'll do my best to finish it soon so I can publish it@AradhyaShaswat0#arcade Finished working on an Arcade Ticket Counter (reference: JacketPotato's Website) @DillonB07@mswgithub.com/Aradhya-Shaswat/arcade-ticket-counterarcade-tickets.vercel.app
@SilverCanvas720Made my first website using React!
A simple calculator that stretched and confused me a lot more than I thought it would. 😂 I learnt a lot.
Link to files:
Note to reviewers:
The first session's GitHub commit link won't work because I had to delete the repo and start over. I re-did everything in the second hour. Totally get it if you can't accept that ticket.