

0-day streak
I've started making a diary app, for now it's Just a login/register but with Firebase auth and db so some steps are done, (i still do have a ton to do but wanted tò post this so i can have enough ticket for the wacom) GitHub repo:
The ui for my gym app is now all done, (possible changes will come oud during the backend developement but this how it looks like). The app is not working yet but i've finished my part now my friend will do the backend and the hopefully we will be able to maybe share it around but since is my very first react native project i don't have high expectations. Github Repo:
github emoji
summer-of-making emoji
react emoji
I've been making a gym application while learning react native and i've reached a mid point where the ui is quite decent but misses the most of the core, I'm still coding this project but i belive this is a good point to start sharing it out and get advices i can directly put in the app. So far i can tell that it's way easier than flutter, and i'm enjoing coding it (excpet some times where i was so close to end this project for some silly mistakes) Github repo:
github emoji
summer-of-making emoji
react emoji
Made a moren todo website (as many other did) but tried to make it "different" implementing an idea generator (witch uses ai) to generate to do. Also tried for the first time to host a website with firebase, it wasn't too hard (i just spent 20 min bc i forgot to initialize it in my directory so i was lost searching for the correct dir to put my files lol) github repo: live test:
summer-of-making emoji
github emoji
github emoji
summer-of-making emoji
github emoji
summer-of-making emoji
So i was trying to create a module for the led bar graph so it was less expensive on pins. This version i've made will allow you to turn on singular pins, i was trying also the make them stay on until a specified value but it was way too expensive in materials witch isn't the best. So i guess the solution, if you want to get the most out the ledbar, is just buy an arduino with more pins. Otherwise this could work. I'll keep working on this i belive but have to think a smarter way to do this. github repo:
Made a random arduino project using only the components suggested by the bin! What i had: 1 dht11, 1 led bar graph 1 rgb led -> what came out: humidity and temperature controller (humidity levele from 1 to 10 on the led bar graph and the temperature on the rgb led even tough i could only use the red from the rbg cuz i was left with no available pins) Commit:
summer-of-making emoji
github emoji
hackclub emoji
js emoji
github emoji
goose-honk-technologist emoji
summer-of-making emoji
Made a 2d space shooting game in c# using raylib. Features: Shoot, move, kill, get killed, get power up Play it on;
Finished the redesign of the website of the gaming community i play in, it was actually cool to the data fetch the server datas i've never did something like that before. I'll eventually see if they like it and hope it will become the new site. Visit the site here:
cooll-dino emoji
summer-of-making emoji
github emoji
After some time, I finally finished my game "Stuck in a Loop". To give some context, this game was made as a challenge with my friend where we both had to create a game from scratch using raylib.cs, so using C# (which we had never used before). The whole point was to learn a new language so don't expect the game to be super cool. This game will be kept alive for a bit for some finishing touches, but this is already a stable version you can play. _____________________________________________________ • Link repo: <> • Download game on <|>: <> • Download aseprite texture files: <> Hope you'll have fun with this!