
Posts tagged with :brain:

Today I worked a bit on my black box project. It turns out math.h isn't available, so I did some digging so I could write my own sine & cosine functions (which turned out to be a bit of a rabbit hole). I ended up using the Taylor series approximation, which works alright for values between -PI and PI (and makes my brain go a bit mushy). Now I can draw a rotated rectangle (yay!).
Been working on adding enemies to my little bow game. Still trying to wrap my brain around properly detecting collisions. Using the Terraria target dummy as a placeholder, LOL
Been a long time since I actually posted something on here... I have made an app for android (and linux) that makes using AirPods on those operating systems way easier and better. Do you know how much Apple likes to restrict most of the features to their devices. Well, I removed the restriction! I reverse-engineered how Apple devices communicate with AirPods and wrote an app for linux and android. AirPods use the L2CAP Bluetooth protocol to communicate with apple devices. The linux version of this app has multiple scripts. One of them runs as a daemon to handle the connection, and others to handle UI, userspace, like pausing music, lowering volume, etc.. I did this so that I can have multiple applications which can talk to the AirPods without interrupting the other one. It is written purely in Python. Currently, I have made a tray application using PyQT5/6. It manages ear detection, conversational awareness, and gives me control over ANC. And, it shows the battery level too! As for the Android app, well I have attached a few images! Yes, I have tried to clone iOS's settings screen for AirPods.
okig emoji
The android app was a pain to work upon. For starters, Android's bluetooth stack sent extra packets to the AirPods to check for some flow control mode. The AirPods will not respond to anything until they receive a specific handshake packet. I had to download the entire android source to test out and edit the libbluetooth_jni.so (the bluetooth stack). Then, I used my smol brain to make a few changes to the source code (and by a few changes, i mean commented a few lines)... And, it worked! Rant about Apple - Guess what- They hide their handshake packet from the PacketLogger app which allows me to view all the packets sent/received from my mac to any bluetooth device. Fortunately this was available online thanks to some other people who worked way before me. Apple even hid another packet necessary to activate Conversational Awareness and Adaptive Audio! Somehow, I got really, really, really lucky, and the packet just showed up in the PacketLogger app, shortly after which, it crashed.
confused-dino emoji
What works on the app – • Accurate battery levels • In-Ear detection – Music is automatically paused when they're taken out of ear! Plus, AirPods are removed as an available audio output device when none of the AirPods are in ear. • Conversational Awareness – Lowers volume when you start speaking! • Set Noise Control Mode – I can change the Noise Control Mode on my AirPods Pro 2! • Renaming AirPods • And a bunch of other settings extracted from the iOS/iPadOS settings page. ◦ Namely, Toggle Conversational Awareness, Toggle Loud Sound Reduction, Set Adaptive Audio Noise level, Toggle Automatic ear detection, Off listening Mode, Tone Volume, Noise Cancellation with Single AirPod, Toggle Volume Control by swiping. • And, of course, a debug screen, which lists all packets received, and even allows you to send packets! GitHub: github.com/kavishdevar/aln upvote the issue on android issue tracker so that the bug gets fixed: issuetracker.google.com/issues/371713238 :>
worked a little more on my brainrot generator, and now it can scrape reddit for content or generate educational brain rot (chapter explanations, summaries etc stuffed with brainrot slang).
I've been doing testing and learning to solder (sob) and how the components work, as well as making a design & general plan & gathering components for a fun idea for a Halloween costume (yeah, I know I'm preparing like 2 months in advance). The general idea is: I modify this EEG headset (done already, but it broke so I'll have to redo it) to send my brain signals to a a microcontroller (I'm going to replace the arduino uno with an esp32) through Bluetooth. Then the microcontroller controls a pair of servos that are hooked up to cardboard & feathers to make "wings", and thus my brain waves can control the "wings" opening and closing! github.com/swan-07/eeg-wings-prototype-idea
i’ve been working on classifying EEG data (recorded from the scalp for brain signals) and i finally saw a graph of what i was analyzing today! i’ve had to go thru a couple steps to get to this point like denoising, filtering, and feature extraction so i’m very happy to get to this point (graphed is a plot with x being the standard deviation of all the filtered data from 0.1-4 Hz and y being the standard deviation of all the data from 4-8Hz. it may not look like too much but when i compare it with more data i will be able to diagnose neurological diseases with hopefully good accuracy) github.com/byung806/EEG-Classification/commit/11b6adab34988fd2f211345272479825af74d3df
This is a auto otp brain strom i did the idea i have an i will start implementing it
Brain Damaged Wizard Orpheus project because I'm tired lol
hiiii !!! i made a sudoku game using js #arcade #scrapbook (github.com/lopa-ok/sudoku) this took so much brain power i hope yall like it (made the second recording with just number missing to show the congrats screen)
java fries ur brain
Basic foundations of the code are done, I just need to work on some CAD and building before I code as we need to figure out our plan. I will be working on getting addressable lights for the brain, using the threewire port to power them, and also making a GUI for the brain, to switch things like auton modes from defending to attacking etc. github.com/N1k0s1/11044_Bazinga/tree/main
Day 93 of #100-days-in-public. At apocalypse today, got to ride on a turbo prop airplane for the first time. Also had a really fun time at a brain fuck workshop, and am currently in an onboard workshop!
Installing Ollama
day 2 of #bci! today my goals were to get the hang of using kicad, understand the schematic of openbci's cyton board (which is, along with hackEEG and piEEG, the basis for a lot of our understanding of what exactly happens in EEG boards) and spin up a bill of materials for everything going in our pcb. i got to the first two and didn't do the last one (although i will eventually get to it!), but i had a lot of fun! today was another great day because this is the most fun i've had in a while building shtuff (among other things: deciding who would be who in the openai drama, the f*ckboard, dinner at steve). tomorrow's goal is to spend the whole day just building the actual pcb (and then spend thanksgiving off?) we're building this out in the open so my daily notes are all here: cloud-ckujstd4d-hack-club-bot.vercel.app/0jc_0e4ee6c5e5e546ce910bda3e3ad2ac10.pdf (this is part of #100-days! join us over there, we're working on cool stuff like #apocalypse and #dallas-day-of-service!)
day 1 of #bci! i mostly got caught up on a bunch of things today (including, but not limited to: parts of the brain, eeg concepts like the 10-20 system, reading schematics, understanding what exactly we’re doing including the process of actually designing the eeg circuit: electrodes -> ads1299 (including digital to analog converter) -> microcontroller -> computer for extra processing - so many black boxes we’re trying to figure out!) and generally feel like i’m ready to start playing around with kicad/observing tomorrow! today was a great day overall, although we think we could have focused a bit more and it still feels like i don’t know anything. tomorrow’s goal is to build shit which is the easiest way to understand stuff. we're building this out in the open so my daily notes are all here: cloud-6crgvlqrj-hack-club-bot.vercel.app/0jc_e4acbe3e3aff48778866059bb21c78be.pdf (this is part of #100-days! join us over there, we're working on cool stuff like #nanowrimo and #polyglot-warriors!)
Restoring Mr Robot with Vex Cortex and ROBOTC milestone (with @Jaxzog)! The master brain is now talking to the follower and successfully sending values over UART!
Installing headers to adapt the ports to a vex cortex brain for Mr. Robot (a Lego technic based humanoid)
#hardware-party day 6/10 My brain: Oh yeah this might actually work. The main structure is mostly done!!! Gonna start wiring stuff up to get ahead on the code. Bought two boards to try as the baseplate, IKEA as-is is awesome. Also upgraded my light above my workbench! It’s now brighter than my future.
❄️ Day 4 of #WinterHardwareWonderland ❄️ It's been day 4 of WinterHardwareWonderland and today I am starting to build my project from scratch. Im a little late, but from now on I will try to keep posted. Started arranging frame and motors for today, and then the compass and brain for my copter 🤘 #hardware-party
That moment when your brain stops working
Halloween brain surgery!
AI solves a maze (real)
*What's Henry™ Been Up to After Assemble?*™ --------------------------------------------------- The question on all of your minds: What's Henry™ Doing With His Time After Assemble™? Ever since the groundbreaking release of his team's Assemble™ project, the world has awaited his next ship™. When asked about this, he will say: "_I'm working on a few different projects_" What he means to say is that he currently has 12 windows open, 5 of them Firefox™ instances, each with more tabs then can fit on the navigation bar. One of those browser windows is entirely devoted to Wikipedia™ pages that he opens, and then refuses to close until he fully reads, despite the fact that he has no interest in doing so. In another window, he has everything from Ben Eater 8-bit breadboard CPU schematics, to Rust™ documentation, to TensorFlow™ docs and a partially written auto-encoder. He also has 3 Sprig ™windows, and article on how BitTorrent™ works, and a random CVE™. There is also an article on TradeMark™ Law, that he has clearly not read. There is even the skeleton of a 6502™ Emulator™ that he may or may not finish. There's a few 3Blue™1Brown™ videos that he's stuck trying to follow. There is an article on how memory works that he does not remember if he has read. In another window, we have 1 Gig of raw Wikipedia™ data, and a Visual™ Studio™ Code™ window with code for an GO™ algorithm he is trying to use to compress said 1 Gig of Wikipedia™ data. Beyond that he has a Logisim™ window, with a partially designed ALU™ that he is trying to work on. Each time he makes progress on one project, he gets interested in something else and opens 100 tabs for that. He is secretly hoping for his computer to crash and wipe his computer he can reorganize. He is spending large amounts of time studying useless aspects of computer science™, and math™. It has been like this since Assemble™ ended, and will continue indefinitely. This has been What's Henry™ Been Up to After Assemble?™. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for skimming over: _What's Henry™ Been Up to After Assemble?_™
rsi shenanigans at the visual attention lab 🧠
Cryptography hurts my brain
no-thoughts-fest emoji
Big Brain Boi
I hopefully won't be coding or active much for the next 8 days, because I'm going away over break. Honestly don't mind much lmao, I need to chill (I will miss my green square streak) gonna to learn how to dive and stuff, it's going to be awesome. Also, planning on messing around with neural nets and stuff. Sadly won't get much of a chance to try out my logic gates. Also there's an image of all the items I've added to my simulator in the last 2 weeks, this is the longest i've coded consecutively, and the most fun I've ever had doing so far more importantly added the long needed pause button to my sim
The new JetBrains splash screens are really quite something (awful) so I redesigned it for myself so I won't go blind. The relevant issue this has caused is really quite funny: youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-266149
Ever wondered what an AI’s view would be on ideas like politics and ethics? I made a prompt for GPT-3 to create unique insights on issues like AGI, communism, and God! Its my first “project” (messing around) with it, so check it out and drop a heart! notebook.neelr.dev/stories/ai-on-politics-and-philosophy
Started using @matthewvandyke08’s Brain Dump beta app to keep track of my harebrainned ideas!
Chose an icon for the design today
Soldered the pins on my raspberry pi pico and wrote a little program that turns the led on when you press the button
Didn't do any coding today but did set up a new figma project for a design I am starting
Had our biggest hackclub meeting, worked on my game dev garage, and helped @Shivesh with his awesome workshop!
memorizing a Spanish presentation bc we’re not allowed to put words on the slides (except for title slide)
Got a research paper accepted into a conference!!!
More shitposting for streaks :> but I did learn something new today: 1111 should be "oneteen onety one"
'Tis neuro review time! (I made a 411 slide review keynote for the brain bee a while back and wow it's a large file)