@Aram2🚢 BOIDS! 🚢
Have you ever looked at birds in the sky and wondered... I wonder what the mathematical calculations for there movement were? You probably haven't but if you have, that's a real thing!
It's called Boids. It's based on 3 rules (separation, cohesion, alignment) and can make some movements that look like schools of fish 🐟 or bird 🐦 movement, it can even make really satisfying timelapses!
So over the last week-ish I decided to make a pygame script to simulate these Boids and create a program to see these mesmerizing patterns thats a mix between art and music!
You can check out the code (and compile it yourself to run) here (give it a star maybe :p) , if you want to read more about boids, the wikipedia page is pretty good and there are a bunch of articles about it.
I'll try to host a 24/7 <https://youtube.com/live/xwIw1qobiUw?feature=share|stream> for as long as possible if anyone wants to see it in action!
@cytronicoder0hiii 1 more launch! this one's the kicker, and I don't see any reason I can't share it with you guys!
this summer, I built BioRSP (Biological Radar Scanning Plots)—an open-source tool that took a huge amount of time, effort, and dedication LOL I barely got sleep working
BioRSP is designed to enhance the analysis of single-cell gene expression patterns by simulating radar-like scanning across cell clusters. It’s a major step forward in bioinformatics, particularly for those of us focused on spatial transcriptomics and understanding cellular heterogeneity.
What does that mean? Imagine trying to figure out what’s going on at a massive concert. You can hear some people singing loudly, others talking quietly, and some areas where it’s just silent. But if you were up in the sky with a radar, you could scan the crowd from different angles and figure out exactly where the loudest singers are, where groups of people are talking, and where it’s completely quiet.
In a similar way, BioRSP helps scientists "scan" groups of cells to find out which ones are "singing" (expressing genes) the loudest, which ones are "whispering," and which ones are silent. This tool is super important for discovering new insights about how cells work together in tissues, like in our hearts or brains.
Basically, I wanted it to be a completely new way to visualize and analyze spatial gene expression patterns. Currently, prelim results show that it outperforms traditional methods, like Polar Gini Curves, in detecting subtle and significant spatial patterns. I've also successfully used in a case study involving neonatal mouse heart tissue
I'm incredibly proud of this project, and I’m excited to share it with y'all FINALLY see how it can help researchers - I also published this as an actual preprint (doi.org/10.1101/2024.06.25.599250) (yes yes actually im legit researcher now much wow)
GitHub: github.com/alphamind-club/biorsp
Arcade: hackclub.com/arcade/showcase/project/recsjvs3JgjIAlb7w
(if u get my project, I rly hope you can vote for it LAWL I submitted 2 projects that I felt were the most meaningful and technically me-representing instead of 20 coughs)
@Sigfredo0cant really test it right now but hosted a slack bot on nest that'll remind you when @hakkuun is back up again.
just type in /dakkuun and itll send you a pm when its back up again
@Tom0Implemented Paging and Virtual memory in my OS! (i caused this error on purpose by just writing something to 0x12345678)
@hex40Did some ricing today - starship, hyprland, and rofi. I needed to fiddle with NixOS a ton, but it kinda works now!
@KarthickArun0So excited for moving forward with venue for #grandcanyonhacks ; certain details are redacted for obvious security reasons and this is just the initial email, more of a follow up, through personal connections through my dads workplace.
@ThomasStubblefield0Hi. I am doing some Jams platform dev stuff atm
(all sample content dw. sorry if you're in a photo or something dw this is just testing purposes)@cwalker0Just got a bunch of badass new hardware from my buddy Eric at PriusOffroad. This is going to enable an awesome new project I’m super excited to tell you all about ^_^
@jzaleta0After 399 days my streak has officially come to the first place with the 400th day today!
I started last year just as something to do when I joined Hack Club
but it have become a great way to keep small updates of the things I've been working on and learning. So for today, besides celebrating this, I finished my code and add more documentation updates for github.com/javierzaleta/splatter-paint(please consider starring it ⭐ on GitHub!) and made a piano website with another workshop 🎹 that I'll share soon besides a JavaScript
music visualizer. Also, I just need to wait one more day for my last Hacktoberfest PR
to be accepted and sadly I missed Sal Khan's AMA.
@neel.redkar0YAYY just did explainer sliders and added a couple helper bubbles
sinerider-git-explain-lines-feature.hackclub.dev@rajanagarwal0@courtney0I never imagined that writing a book would be easy, but everyday I learn how much harder it gets. 😅 Not only do I have to write it, but I also have to create bell schedules for school, schedules for each character, but on top of that, I found myself working on blueprints for the school today to ensure that everything I write lines up with how an actual school would be. On top of all of that I also have to finish my cover. But, it's a really great learning experience
I also realized that I incorrectly estimated my publishing time for the end of July. I don't know when I'll ever be able to publish at this rate 😩
@Odyssey3460my tiny project called Fixdows suddenly became big today. it went from 69 downloads (nice) to 340. time to get serious.
@fayd0I hope its ship-worthy, but this is what I was working hard on in 2020! My workshops! :)
@riley33chou0taught some kiddos their first java lesson!
@rjhangiani0hi! i'm back on scrapbook and am so ready to take on this new year and be the best version of myself! everyday i'm going to try to update my scrapbook with my progress, what i've been doing, etc.
day 1:
today i woke up kinda late because i was up pretty late but i did a little workout with my new app which has been super helpful in getting back to working out everyday. i also have been pretty productive doing some debate prep, act prep, seal work and revising chem! i was also able to read for a bit while eating breakfast which was a nice break from screens!
overalll a great day so far and i'm feeling good!
here's a pic of some fun errors when i tried to run the backend for ecos
@lailahn0Day 10 of getting my life together: today I finished my last QxQ assignment of the semester and attended my county’s first ACT-SO workshop!! I’m planning on doing a computer science project 👀 I also played with my raspberry pi and I’m going to start working on application essays 😁
@abby0Basic website for CS principles class learning about W3.CSS!
@everest0Finished everything I needed to do today.
@itsmingjie0I think this is ship-worthy!!! This is the biggest overkill in the history of overkill: I built a full-fledged platform for Jeopardy-style virtual puzzle hunts (can also be used for CTFs) in 4 months, and I finished today! It's built on top of Node.js, PostgreSQL, Redis, caches information locally, and pulls competition puzzles from Airtable for easy modifications. It also comes with a companion standalone announcement/alert system for real-time communication with your competition attendees.
First run of it will be in a few weeks at a <https://integirls.org/puzzle|puzzle hunt> run for middle/high school female/nb students (you should signup if you are eligible!) Still figuring out how to deploy everything across multiple servers so students from around the world would have no trouble using the platform, but that won't take long!
Code is very rushed, but it's completely open-source github.com/itsmingjie/infinity.
@nikodemrabulinski0I just wanted to share with y’all that I got my first ever job and I’m really excited!
@matthewvandyke080Watched the Apple Event today!! Plus did some more coding
@sampoder0i made #the-democratic-republic-of-sam active again! and posted this random story which i think is cool
i've also made 2 websites / web thingies today and yesterday maybe ill post them tonight
@lailahn0Working with TensorFlow For the first time today
@aaryan0Day 2/30: Javascript Objects - they are fairly similar to other languages (I guess). But um there's a lot of stuff in js. My uni exams are starting from the 5th of october, Idk if I should pause my js journey till my exams get over or not
@matthewvandyke080Today the SWC Editor released today on Students Who Code, it is an HTML/CSS/JS editor that allows users to code right on the website if they choose.
Also most of the courses were updated with new information and clearer instructions.
@doreenmwapekatebe80Finally today my club and I started online 50daysofcoding in c++@akshaygautam0100I did it.
I made an android game completely in python. Maybe it can be my first #ship.
@matthewvandyke080Kept working again on a new feature for Students Who Code, code is basally done just have to refine the design. (Some of the random code below)
Also did some planning and went to another Protoclub that @matthew put on and learn some cool things!
@onrisky0YESSIR, i just submitted the application... Hope we get accepted 🤓
@sampoder0I wrote a workshop, for workshops.hackclub.com and it was the first one to get accepted!!!! WOOT WOOT!!
It's a workshop all about CSS, which learn through making an epic Scrapbook profile! if you've got some time please do check it out at: workshops.hackclub.com/scrapbook_css I love feedback!! if you use at a club please please do send me photos!!
thank you @zrl and @lachlanjc for helping make the workshop ultra epic!
@muirrum0I'm going to turn this PVC board into a window passthrough for coaxial cable, then present it at the SOM showcase next week!
@matt0Created a basic webpage for my new react website!