I decided to go with the plant a tree 🌳 option instead of the t-shirt!
@jzaleta0After 399 days my streak has officially come to the first place with the 400th day today!
I started last year just as something to do when I joined Hack Club
but it have become a great way to keep small updates of the things I've been working on and learning. So for today, besides celebrating this, I finished my code and add more documentation updates for github.com/javierzaleta/splatter-paint(please consider starring it ⭐ on GitHub!) and made a piano website with another workshop 🎹 that I'll share soon besides a JavaScript
music visualizer. Also, I just need to wait one more day for my last Hacktoberfest PR
@jzaleta0Today I worked to add more things to Splatter Paint! I added a GitHub-corner
, updated a bit the script and redesign the README! You can check it out at: github.com/javierzaleta/splatter-paint. ⭐ Also my last PR for Hacktoberfest
is in review so I will be able to finish the challenge!
@Jaden0Day 8 of #10-days-in-public
Today, my Hacktoberfest PRs got accepted! I requested shirt and these cool badges from Holopin. I also took my PSAT. In regards to coding, I fixed up the navbar and made some style changes to the Astro cards.
@tinu0day 7 of #10-days-in-public! Today I worked on adding color to the individual assignments, auto focusing the text boxes when clicked, bugs when calculating grades with NaN. I also finished my last 2 prs for hacktoberfest!!!
@sahitid1day 6/10 of #10-days-in-public #zachtoberfest: short update but i submitted another pr for hacktoberfest
and am almost done with my sprig game
@ryan0\day 5\
practically did nothing today since i had to go visit family. js got back and doing some prs (ig for hacktoberfest)
listening to some music right now.
@tinu0day 5 of #10-days-in-public! I turned grade melon into a pwa using next-pwa and worked on some minor bug fixes. I also submitted a PR for hacktoberfest.
@sahitid1day 5/10 of #10-days-in-public aka zachathon aka zachtoberfest: we're 1/2 way done?! and i'm also 1/2 way done with hacktoberfest and my sprig game!! i figured out how to add music today, added an instructions screen, checkIfGameOver code, and a win/lose screen.
@tejasbhartiya0day 4/10 of #10-days-in-public! Made a bit of progress on of hacktoberfest PRs but thats it; today was mostly studying for my midterms this week! Also hopped on hack night(which you should join) Enjoy this terrible attempt at taking a pic of the full moon!
@tejasbhartiya0Day 3/10 of #10-days-in-public !! I worked on my PR 2 and 3 of hacktoberfest on a train! (Zephyr who?) finally my terraform skills are coming into use.
@Jaden0Day 2 of #10-days-in-public
Yesterday, I finished Hacktoberfest, but why stop there? Today I'm working on an open source project for Library of Code and learning how to create a PR to GitLab! I've decided to dedicate these 10 days to learning more about open source software.
@tejasbhartiya0Day one of #10-days-in-public ! I got started on my first hacktoverfest PR! I spent too long fixing my different python installs since it seems like they all pull from different versions and make a mess! After that I worked on a PR for Pandas which I’m nearly done with; just a few bugs to fix!
@Jaden0Day 1 of #10-days-in-public
My goal was to finish Hacktoberfest and start working on some other things, but I finished Hacktoberfest a bit early! I'm going to start doing some more open source stuff or learn some new tools!
I registered to Hacktoberfest for the first time! It's going to be awesome!
@khalby7860Total sucky start to my day, with the arrival of a damaged Hacktoberfest swag post with a torn t-shirt. At least there's some stickers intact ;)
@neel.redkar0WOOOT today's hackclub meet was super fun (22 people!), we wen't over how open source works, why it exists, AND CASHED IN ON SWEET HACKTOBERFEST SWAGGGG
we all made PR's to this repo to learn how it works github.com/neelr/DVHacktoberfest and you can check out the final website over here dvhacktoberfest.vercel.app
super fun, 10/10 would do again
@JinmayJhaveri0Here's a repo for the ambitious hack clubbers who wanna win hacktober tee github.com/Borrus-sudo/Articles.md Feel free to drop by a PR. And on merging get published here with the credits to the author obviously
@thatrobotdev0We just kicked off our first announcement in our club discord for P2P Hack Club, the hack club that I run at my high school, this year! We announced a new colead, introduced hacktoberfest, the return of gaming events that we run, and an archive of our websites at 2019.p2phack.club and 2020.p2phack.club!
Something really cool we've been working on is that we want to work with our club members this October to help build our club site! We also had a meeting yesterday with coleads about new plans for this year and I am actually so hyped. This year's club is going to be waaaaaay better than last year, I just know it 😄
@sampoder0my parents won't be purchasing any new clothes this Christmas!
@jeswinsunsi0If I was a tomato, you wouldve gotten ketchup by now. Im so demn excited cuz I thought this won't even reach. Got my hacktoberfest swag yeet
@kayley0USPS came through! Opened the Hacktoberfest package today AND finished the rest of my apps due this week.