

0-day streak
final day of winter wonderland! I finished soldering the other half the led strips for the board, and here's a demo of my board in it's current state, and I think I got the basic functionality down. Hopefully I can finish 3D modeling and printing the actual enclosure for the board over the next few days.
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day 9 of winter wonderland!!! I finished soldering the led strips for half the board and wrote an algorithm to translate lichess moves into the led position. Here's a demo of what I have so far with the lichess integration. Although, I'm probably not going to finish the 3d printing and assembly of the whole board in time, hopefully I can wire up the led strips for all 8 files of the board tomorrow and start finishing up the 3D designs.
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day 8 of winter wonderland! Today i struggled soldering together ends of this addressable LED strip, I think it's a combination of my bad soldering iron, bad cables, and the copper pads being really small. Hopefully, I find something that works for me so I can finish the other 6 joints. I also worked on starting to implement a system that translates chess coordinates (eg. e4) into the led position.
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day 7 of winter wonderland! Switched over to a raspiberry pi zero w that I had from another project. Using the rpi zero w was much easier than the pico w because python has a lot more support than micropython. Since I switched, I finally got the LED strip to work with python, and berserk with the lichess api works as expected. I printed a few more pieces and I also got the USB-C downstream board to power everything. Over the next few days, I'm hoping to tie everything together. This includes creating a coordinate system for the LEDs, CADing the main board enclosure, creating a menu system with the rotary encoder and display, and finally putting everything together.
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day 6 of winter wonderland! Today I got some of the pieces for my chess board printed. Here's a time lapse of a pawn being printed. Previously, I got the lichess API to work via python, but when I tried using micropython I ran into a lot of issues specifically with how the API streams the data and urequests vs requests. I'm prob going to use a rpi zero w that I have from another project in place of the pico w because of the issues with the led strip and the api.
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day 5 of winter wonderland! Today I started playing with the lichess api and I was able to play a full game online through the python console. There’s still edge cases I need to optimize for for example draws, resigning, etc but this should be enough to start working on integrating the hardware.
day 3 of winter wonderland! Today I started designing the frame for my chess board in CAD. Here’s a prototype of how the control panel for my chess board will probably look like with a rotary encoder knob and oled display.
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day 3 of winter wonderland! Today, I tried to get the neopixel addressable led strip to work but was unsuccessful. I tried many packages for micropython with my pico but the LEDs behaved weirdly and didn't correspond with the code. The demo seemed to work but running custom commands didn't work. Hopefully tomorrow I can get the LED strip to work.
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day 2 of winter wonderland!! Today I got my i2c OLED display working, I spent a while troubleshooting until I realized that this OLED had a weird i2c address. But I got it working in the end. This weekend I'll have a lot more time so I'll begin cadding and 3d printing the frame for my chess board ♟️.
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Day 1 of Winter Wonderland: Soldered on some headers onto my rpi pico w and started playing around with micropython. Was able to get the pico to connect to wifi and make some API requests.
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BlairHacks Mini took place yesterday!!! Had an amazing time hosting, thank you to everyone that came.
started work on the new blairhacks main site
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final day #10-days-in-public!!! Today, I worked on the attendance page in grade melon and I also worked on using a new api and fixing bugs in qRoute.
day 9 of #10-days-in-public! Today I worked on my app qroute, I added cards to show the generated paths, added more customizable fields, and fixed an issue with drawing the svg lines.
day 8 of #10-days-in-public! can't believe there's only 2 days left. Today, I drafted a landing page for my app grade melon using tailwind. I used framer motion for staggered slide in animations (not shown here). Still not sure how I wanna layout the images.
day 7 of #10-days-in-public! Today I worked on adding color to the individual assignments, auto focusing the text boxes when clicked, bugs when calculating grades with NaN. I also finished my last 2 prs for hacktoberfest!!!
day 6 of #10-days-in-public! Today I worked on my project qRoute. I was able to draw lines on the map using svgs. I also continued my work on grade melon with a new toolbar on the course view page.
day 5 of #10-days-in-public! I turned grade melon into a pwa using next-pwa and worked on some minor bug fixes. I also submitted a PR for hacktoberfest.
day 4 of #10-days-in-public! Today in grade melon, I worked on the ability to view grades from different marking periods and also added progress bars to show the different weighted categories. I also fixed up a few bugs when editing grades.
day 3 of #10-days-in-public today I worked on the first iteration of theoretical grade editing and after fiddling around with react state for bit I got it working!!!
day 2/10 of #10-days-in-public! Today, I decided on restructuring my project grade melon with proper types and functions that restructure my data into cleaner objects. However, I have realized that I hate TYPESCRIPT and it doesn't make any sense. Hopefully, when and if I figure it out, it'll be worth it.
day 1/10 of #10-days-in-public!!! I worked on making my student vue client grade melon mobile responsive with tab navigation at the bottom