@ascpixi0soooo... hiya, i'm new here, but i made a game for Hack Club High Seas today!! :)
it has bots, so even if no players are offline, the server will quickly make a synthetic player just for you.
> last weekend, @michelle and i had the most unforgettable experience at ascend
in LA where we were surrounded by 50+ girls & non-binary in tech, helping organize one of the most incredible hackathons i've been to this year.
of course, we still wanted to take the opportunity to build & ship a technical project so we spent majority of the day working on this AR simulation of a SpaceX Falcon 9 landing wherever you held up the SpaceX
logo with three.js, ar.js, & a-frame
we were content with mediocrity until, in a last-minute turn of events (and a motivating conversation with @zrl ), we realized we wanted to make something more meaningful
. something that addressed a real issue & we could own 100% of the code
and what’s the #1 problem facing youth in america 🦅 today? that’s right. there are no resources for underage gambling.
so, from the hours of 1–5 am, @michelle and i went all in. armed with vanilla web dev, 2+ crash-outs, and sleep deprivation, we built a GAMBLING WEBSITE FOR MINORS. our project bridges the accessibility gap by offering an educational experience to prepare the next generation for the risks of losing it all. 🎲
full story behind our project design process (money spread images included
💌 thank you to @zrl for the wake-up call to redo our entire project at 1 am, and the entire#C07T6DEFD7U|organizing team ( @savina , @zoyashussain , @phaedra , @jeslyn , @elia , @andreayang ) for providing headshots that we used on the website. and most of all @ZenabH. (the coolest canadian i know) for the yap & moral support.
@Ramifications_0First time using Scrapbook and making a website
heres me messing around with html and following a basic tutorial
@louisa0i probably wonr get to post a scrap later so here’s one from istanbul airport !
@sharajarajsarahs0After an <https://apocalypse.hackclub.com/|apocalypse> comes a revolution.
Revolution is a hackathon in the UK taking place in summer 2025. Not a Hack Club event.
I created the branding and the website!
@DakotaRoth0i forgot how much li loved tech-comedy youtube. I downloaded 800,000 youtube comments (thru youtube data api) on Michael Reeves videos, to search for robot ideas. I made a word cloud, but most of the words are naughty. its crazy data to look at though, almost 1 in 8 comments is a robot idea.
@EddieBian0finished my first drawing (after not drawing for like 4 years) 😄
reference photo
@AryanJoshi0I created a code to gather all f1 news and put it in a GUI. It still filters some useless stuff. Towards the end of the hour, I tried to fix this but I didn't know how to. I'm thinking on using this mini project to create a slightly bigger and more advanced one which is formated different. Repo: github.com/AJOSH0912/F1-news
@TheScientist1010Thank you to @zrl for sending me stickers! The fire one is so cool, it’s like reflective and a different material. I humbly accept your curse to visit hw within the next 3 years. Again, thanks so much, your act of kindness made my week!
@KarthickArun0Was going through my downloads folder diging up my downloaded stuff for my Nilla project for #cider and came across this pic i took landing in SF for The Summit, remembering the good times I had with other Hackclubbers
@Prajwal0Demo video of my JARVIS project 👇
I made an AI voice assistant on a hat run on a Raspberry Pi with a camera, microphone, earphones, button, and a battery pack. It can see in front of you, search the internet for up-to-date information, and answer any questions you may have!
(code is messy, working on refactoring it and adding more features)
@24c020another silly little Sprig side project - nowhere near performant enough to be playable yet, but at least cool enough to show off! (h/t @MasonMeirs-U03V4686P9N for the idea, game, compiler knowledge and moral support)@24c020somebody had to do this eventually, right? (ty to @MasonMeirs-U03V4686P9N for lending me a sprig!)@Amber0Registered for my first AMA tomorrow!
@Keenan0During the last couple days, I've been working on creating a multi-platform PDF markup app! It will be similar to notability and goodnotes. However, the good part is that the plan is to have this be multi-platform! I'm doing this to solve an issue that I've had in the past -- marking up PDFs between different platforms. Also, I am learning Blazor MAUI as I go!
@Malycia0Day 2 in Boston! We hosted our Day of Service today (check out #boston-days-of-service for updates!) and I spent some time chatting with the one and only Jenisa Diaz :D
@yazide0day 3 of #10-days-in-public for SDEP(id), realized that this is actually really hard, harder than i thought. I mean come'on, i'm practically doing a billion-dollar industry at home 😭. I'll manage to do it tho, i mean, it's my goal for #10-days-in-public. Decided to go with python cuz why not?
@EvanGan0Day 3 of #10-days-in-public.
Today I was going to try to make a minimum viable board using the RP2040 but realized there is a large learning curve I need to overcome before I am ready to design. Due to that I spent most of my time on the project today reading the technical docs trying to gain a better understanding of the chip. I did however, refamiliarise myself with Easy EDA and created a starting document with one RP2040 chip in it.
@msw0for #10-days-in-public I’m making some tutorials around making a PCB. Before I’ve made a video about a specific part of the process but now I’m going to make a video about the process end-to-end, from idea to finally ordering a usb-a to usb-c converter
@dominic0mining some rubies for #10-days-in-public, this is a pretty cool tutorial. feel like I understand like 3/4 of what I'm doing which could be worse?
@toonnongaeoy0Day 1 of #10-days-in-public
Starting off by Uploading all of my code to GitHub before start coding (Here if you want to visit.) And next by renovating from the messy one to the clean one by using JavaScript to hide all of the story and make a toggle if you want to read it. And then start to doing on navigation and it's pretty good so far (even it doesn't have any much link.) and finally moving some button to Collective and now here it is, and maybe some update after that but that's it for summary on day 1. If you to check all of the progress you can check on the GitHub. See you on day 2.
@brunoblaise0Day 1 of #10-days-in-public: Today, I resumed my learning on Comptia network plus currently I am on lesson 2 which is about deploying Ethernet cabling and also I have created my first draft of my article where I will be sharing what I have learnt on the lessons I will be learning.
See ya! :)
@Doruk0Day 1 of #10-days-in-public
Created the repo of my OS!
Tommorrow I will learn how to create a navbar with react!
@giridhar.talla51390Day 1 of #10-days-in-public
I started with building the landing page and learning the Descope for user management. Running into so many errors since setup, debugging one by one
@Sean0Day 1 of #10-days-in-public
Today I designed a new page for my image synchronization stuff in Figma and discovered that my Oauth stuff is incredibly broken somehow.
Apart from that I also diagnosed my mums broken laptop and discovered that only the screen seems to be broken and it talks to a monitor fine
@yazide0day 1 of #10-days-in-public too! I'm currently making some stuff related to facial recognition on my school to ensure that everyone that submits a form actually is a person! we've got some hackers @ my school lol
@NikosTsilas-U04N415FE4T0Day 1 of #10-days-in-public!
I started my website (micro-lessons). I prepared a Figma file and I also did the basic HTML and css (linking of files, nav-bar, and some text).
@vik0day 1 of #10-days-in-public. i got my wisdom teeth removed so i couldn't really design anything. mostly was researching and looking at datasheets for hall effect switches and how to sense analog input from them
Started the training process with Wiki103 dataset, time to do the most fun part of any ML project... waiting ☹️. Hopefully this finishes up before day 2 haha
@Jupiter0Worked on doc comments for mrl aujourd'hui
@Micha0Day 1 for #10-days-in-public, progress to date + started Lesson 9 for my Ham Radio Extra exam studying!
@cupcakes0Day 1 of #10-days-in-public! I added a notes app and notes window to my personal OS!