

0-day streak
I continue working on the website. I think that I am 80% finished. I added an Astro component and a lot of JS, tailwindified everything, and changed the HTML a little bit.
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Working on Eurohacks website. I added a page so we can add some info about us and the event. For now it's only a trial page but I am trying to have it ready by Sunday night. For anyone who might want to check it out, this is the commit link: Also if you have some free time you may gimme some feedback.
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For #C06SBHMQU8G|, I completed the 2nd part of the website. Now we have a footer, more astro elements, new responsive thingies, and new transitions, animations, dropdowns and off-canvas
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Continue working on the website for a local football club. I did many new things with js (that I am very proud for achieving) and astro. Also I made a custom and very cool imo control panel for html audio/video Here are some pictures:
For #C06SBHMQU8G| I almost completed the V1 of the website. I probably have to submit the hours just because of the 25-hour limit. These sessions are the sessions that I am most proud of this summer. I wrote amazing code, I learned new Astro thingies (like dynamic routing) and also worked on my fav thing (Tailwind).
For #arcade, Ι continue working on the Simplified Coding in 2 new branches (I made new things for me with Atsro and Javascript and I am proud of that)
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For #arcade, I made the designs for the Euro hacks website.
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For #arcade I completed many things for the simplified coding. Here are some images. I am not finished with everything. But I don't want to commit over 25 hours at this moment.
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For #arcade I completed the arduino project.
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For #arcade, I am finished with the 1st phase of the game development and I would like this goal to be revised. I don't have any Github links but I have MANY images and the code if you want it. Also I would like not to upload it to github (it will take me a lot of time) but if you want me to do so I can do it.
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for #hack-hour I finished my personal website, this is the GitHub link. The timeline is not completed but idk if I will ever make it.
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Day 10 for #10-days-in-public Today is the final day and I am so happy that I sent something every single day. I had to go somewhere so I did something very fast. I read some things about Raspberry Pi and I added some images and lessons in the Raspberry Pi lesson series.
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Day9 for #10-days-in-public Ouff, I was on a school trip and I almost lost the day. So, today I made the 1st step in making the Raspberry Pi index page. I did the lessons (it took me almost 1 hour). To be honest today I didn't do many things, I just did 2 things in 1.5 hours. Here is the progress (and some photos from my school trip):
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Day 8 for #10-days-in-public Today I made some contraptions and I just added a breadboard and jumper wires part in lesson 2. Also, I never sent the GitHub so here it is (I have no but I will add it soon): *The contraptions are simple because it is just lesson 3 and 4
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Day 7 for #10-days-in-public Today I made one contraption in Tinkercad and started the 2nd lesson (it will be big). I didn't do many different things today, just 1 big part of my project (adding images, removing the background, referring to the sources, searching, and learning).
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Day 6 for #10-days-in-public (I am the 1st one who sends smt. I didn't expect that with a +2 timezone) Today I had an Arduinolessonindexpage overhaul. I put images in every lesson, added info about every lesson, and changed the background (idk if I like it). Here is a video and a useless photo from VScode (it is the Arduino lesson index page):
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Day 5 of #10-days-in-public I spent some more time on this project today. I made the 1st lesson but the main thing I made today is some examples in Tinkercad for the next lessons. I will send some photos of these tmr.
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Day 4 of #10-days-in-public Today I had a difficult task, to write lesson 1. It was VERY hard but I found all the sources that I will need as well as all the commands that I will need. So tmr I think that I will make lessons 1 and 2. ALso because probably I will be bored I will make the lesson index for Raspberry Pi lessons (I have to search for some things about raspberry pi because the last time that I did something with Raspberry Pi was in 2022). Here is today's progress (satisfying, for me).
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Day 3 #10-days-in-public I chose some colors for my website and added a table for the Arduino lesson index. I didn't have the time to do many things, unfortunately, I had (and I have) to go somewhere. Tomorrow is the big day, I will start making some lessons (I hope to make them as interesting and useful as possible).
Day 2 for #10-days-in-public Today I did many things. I thought about how I was going to make the lesson list, and I thought about what the lessons were going to be. (and some music of course
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). Also, I need to find some good colors. These are awful. I chose them because I could see them easily while I was making the table
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. Tmr probably I will write some js
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Day 1 of #10-days-in-public! I started my website (micro-lessons). I prepared a Figma file and I also did the basic HTML and css (linking of files, nav-bar, and some text).