

0-day streak
Only Once This is a little slack-game?? kinda, its a bot that controls a channel, in the channel anyone can join through #C07JGDNQ91U| to be added to the private channel, there if you send a message someone else has sent before or above 300 characters, youll get banned. It uses an sqlite database and boltjs on typescript. Also theres a logs channel #C07JQF74HQT|. It's hosted on Nest. You can try it now in #C07JGDNQ91U|
Frederick-rs Frederick rs is a cli which purpose is to add audio metadata (tags) to audio files, it uses the MusicBrainz API to retrive the music data. Another project using rust, I feel l'm the real rustacean. It was "fun" to make, rust is kind of a difficult language for me compared to js and I dont care that much about performance but tbh I just wanted to create a single executable. You can read more about the project in the readme 🙂 or try it yourself, I only have builds for linux but its super easy to compile. Also I used VHS to make these cool gifs WAIT THE GIFS IN SLACK ARE BROKEN, HERE ARE THE LINKS <|help>, <|usage>)
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My nest configuration Hello chat, this is my nest configuration/services ported to home-manager. this was a small project and very useful, it helps me be the real Nix user. It also includes a script that autodeploys my home-manager config on each push.
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Hack night ping Hack night ping is a bot that aims to get all the users timezones and allow users to schedule hacknights. It's explained more in depth in the README. About the project this has been my first time touching SQL databases and the slack api. Actually both easier than what I tought. Slack api is weird tho, it does weird stuff. This was fun to make, if you want to use the bot or check out development testing you can see it on #hack-night-ping-bot. I hope someone actually use this. I also made a short demo video about the bot, attached. Thanks for reading )))
CloudFlare Email Thingie Hi there, this is an app I made to manage your email routes using an Android native app. You login using a token and you can manage all your emails and that. The build is on GitHub :) this is my first app, I hope you find it useful. It supports material you, dark/light mode. It was fun learning how to make apps (and a little painful) The repo with more info is here This is a repost of this scrapbook post because I forgot to add 2 sessions
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GUINOTE CLI Guinote CLI is an open source terminal (ugly implementation) of the Spanish card game Guiñote. In rust using the ratatui rendering engine. This is a milestone release for basic rendering, handle user input and stuff like selection, wins and loss. I only have binaries for linux. It has reallly helped me learn rust and terminal rendering. I would like to make it prettier tho
CloudFlare Email Thingie Hi there, this is an app I made to manage your email routes using an Android native app. You login using a token and you can manage all your emails and that. The build is on GitHub :) this is my first app, I hope you find it useful. It supports material you, dark/light mode. It was fun learning how to make apps (and a little painful) The repo with more info is here
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FUMO-BOT v2 This is a Discord bot written in rust (I'm learning rust this summer) which purpose is to work along with the fumo-API, a project I made a few years ago and kinda abandoned, it allows you to submit through a Discord channel new fumo to add to the API, are more info about them, approve or deny them and use the fumo APi inside of Discord to retrive results from the fumo-API. Also the project includes some scripts I used to both upload the fumo images to cloudflare (I lost everything) and retrieve them from a Discord channel. Fumos are japanese plushies of characters from the game series Tohou. I hope you like this project, I find Rust a really reliable language to code in, harder compared to javascript but 90% of the time my code compiled it worked just how I wanted. showcase video
Vicweb, my personal website It is available at, its my personal website which has like info about me and also collects info from my telegram channel and put them as posts, also it will work like a kind of blog that lets me create post using markdown files. This project uses 3 GitHub repos, why? because I chose to use the languages that I know the less and kept doing dumb stuff. I chose to make the backend part on rust (a language in which I have zero experience) so yeah, I know how to do basic stuff but sub processes and async stuff with tokio completely took me. So yeah sorry for that, Im used to typescript. The website has a kind of minimal style only with text but I like that. One for the front, other for the backend and the final for the import for importing old messages from my telegram channel, using the MTProto API
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I made a discord bot to control lights through discord slash commands, you can install it RN by clicking here. I attach two demos that don't really show everything, I have covered almost the whole LIFX Cloud API. The code is available on GitHub, I hope you people like this project :))