yay i finally finished my personal website!! soso happy with how it looks, and i’m glad it’s no longer on my to-do list 😁
nityapisolkar.com !!
i finished making an image gallery in flexbox for my personal website, and i'm planning to change these images later lol
today, i worked on my personal website a bit more and added “tiles” for my projects. I’m planning to change the images later!
yay i’m finally posting again on scrapbook after a very long hiatus! yesterday i worked on my site for the winter boba drops event and made a countdown for the new year, and worked on my personal website, which still has a long way to go (but i’m glad i made progress because it’s been on my to-do list for months)! ✨ ❄️
i’m really proud of the countdown website i made because i made some super cool animations in css!
yay i finished my to-do app, called Todoey! It uses html, css, and javascript and implements local storage. had a super fun time making it ‼️
check it out here! todoey-app.vercel.app
repo: github.com/nityapisolkar/todoeyfinished a drawing of taylor swift at the 2023 grammys; the purpose of this art piece was mainly to get practice drawing people.
repo: github.com/coraljellyfish/art-ts
ultrasonic sensor & color sensor for vex clawbot
github.com/coraljellyfish/clawbot-sensorsbumper sensor, gyro sensor, and color sensor (to follow a line) on vex clawbot!
github.com/coraljellyfish/clawbot-sensorsvex iq robot car works! was trying to minimize the number of materials i used 🚗 #arcade today i worked on my todo list website! basically now you can move a task from the completed items list back to the todo list. rn the project is pretty simple, but i’m going to add more cool features later! (find it at this link: todoey-app.vercel.app )
#arcade i started making a pomodoro timer website! (designed, put some basic html and css, and put some js so the timer could work) i don’t have a link up yet but here’s a screenshot of it