

0-day streak
Hello just made this Bridge model inspired from bristol bridge here is the github link: github.com/Yuvi-raj-P/Bridge Note: this is not a duplicate and this is for an error Thanks!
summer-of-making emoji
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Hello just made this Bridge model inspired from bristol bridge here is the github link: github.com/Yuvi-raj-P/Bridge/tree Note: this is not a duplicate and this is for an error
summer-of-making emoji
github emoji
summer-of-making emoji
github emoji
Hello just made this realstic tree model in blender with procedual bark texture. Here is the github link: github.com/Yuvi-raj-P/Tree
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Hello, just made a giraffe model in blender with some environment. Here is the github link: github.com/Yuvi-raj-P/Giraffe . Took my 17 hours to make hope you guys like it! Not a duplicate and is sent because I cant select my other 2 sessions
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Hello, just made a giraffe model in blender with some environment. Here is the github link: github.com/Yuvi-raj-P/Giraffe . Took my 17 hours to make hope you guys like it!
summer-of-making emoji
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#C01504DCLVD| Hello yall just made this cute looking bottle house in blender took me over 22 hours hope you guys liked it. Note: This is not a duplicate but was sent due to a technical problem with my hakkuun bot which is not showing the rest of my threads Here is the github link: github.com/Yuvi-raj-P/BottleHouse
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blender emoji
summer-of-making emoji
github emoji
summer-of-making emoji
Hello yall just finished another of my blender project, and i think it turned out pretty good here is the repo:github.com/Yuvi-raj-P/Whale NOTE for the reviewers: there was an error yesterday with Github which caused me to create many unnecessary commits to my github repo and unnecessary sessions with the same name which I now regret, so sorry if you find a session with zero min, please fell free to reject few stuff, however atleast 18 sessions should be legit with correct github commits. Below is the final product, hope you like it:
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#scrapbook Just finished my new chef and kitchen model in blender. Took me over 15 hours to make, hope you guys like it. Here is the repo link:github.com/Yuvi-raj-P/Kitchen Below is how it turned out
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#C01504DCLVD| I just finished my new 3d model in blender. I first started out with a house but then it soon expanded into a cliff and some leaves. I spent whole 12 hours on this, hope you like it. Here is the repo: github.com/Yuvi-raj-P/House Below is the final result:
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#C01504DCLVD| Hello yall, just finished my ship model in blender, and I think it turn out pretty good in the end. Here is the link for the github repo: github.com/Yuvi-raj-P/Ship and below is how it looks:
#scrapbook I just made the arcadius shop model in blender!! Here is my github repo: github.com/Yuvi-raj-P/DinoHackClub Here is how it turned out. Took my 13 hours hope you like it!
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summer-of-making emoji
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#scrapbook Hi I just did a trash can in blender, My idea is to do a racoon or hakkuun in the trash can; Just completed trash can and body of the racoon I think would consider as milestone so here: github.com/Yuvi-raj-P/RacoonHackCulb
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#scrapbook Guys, This is the best I could Have ever done. I did some animation but coudnt render my blender animation due to lack of hardware but here is the link to github: github.com/Yuvi-raj-P/AnimationBlender It is the file: Animation11 I am so very happy how it turned out!!