@jeslyn0Learned several ukulele covers after getting my first Ukulele from a bday gift! (github) check out the christmas globe jam website I <https://christmasglobe.replit.app/|revamped >to listen to some of the covers! Also put the two longest songs on there on a <https://www.figma.com/design/59JxF1uciqJeRjfwrnZtFL/ukulele-songs-mapped-out?node-id=0-1&t=HG0nh260aawrbNTZ-0|figma >sheet for others to play them!
@Yancheng0Today was my birthday! I started easel for #building-programming-languages today, but I don't have much to show for right now.
Day 1 of #15-days-in-public: I started my #cider project. I downloaded and familiarized myself with Xcode and Swift. Who knew Swift is actually pretty cool? I made myself a menu bar that goes to different pages. I also drew out on paper my visions for the app.
@KarthickArun0First day of school back from spring break freedom but yesterday when I was in break still , I was looking at me 3 raspberry pi’s I have , one is a b+ 2017 version ( I brought it to leaders summit) , wanted to do some cool stuff with it and decided on building a retro pie, with built in cooling through some fans and heatsinks and retro controllers and case , and I have some amazon gift cards from my bday and earlier stuff so I’m planning on using that all for this , it’d be pretty good to have a retro console i put together.
I was inspired by the power of computation and design and really wanted to print a vase as a gift for a family member for their birthday! Since there have been constant hard freeze warnings, they won't be able to go outside and look at their plants, so I made sure to add some live plants they can care for.
Also, I was quite surprised. I got good sleep while the vase was being printed for 4 hours lol.
@toonnongaeoy0Birthday Party at my house.
(at least the cake isn’t a lie.)
@Kokonico0survival anniversary (birthday)! also very exiting news!
on a side note, thanks to @DevIos for finding that Bank easter egg, @msw for pointing the egg out, and Google Chrome for having inspect mode
@Snow0final version of the bday card-
the servos had way too little range and weren't opening enough so i had to improvise and throw in snapcircuits lmao@Snow0super basic iteration of a bday "card" for mom (a colab w my sister)@Lucas0Happy birthday Sao Paulo!! 469 years
@ShubhamPatil0Tickets for Mumbai are booked! Going in April for my grandpa's birthday!
@reesericci0day 15/10 for #10-days-in-public: I nerded out about jetlag today and I think I'm going to get some posters that someone designed on twitter printed up for my birthday
@reesericci0Day 3/10 for #10-days-in-public! I didn't do much today either, but I ordered a play.date for my birthday, started using my rating system and it worked (!!) and I did too much procrastinative research on klein bottles and cliff stoll lmao (his ted talk is literally the best ted talk i have ever seen
@reesericci0I worked on a spreadsheet to convince my parents that they should get me an ebike for my birthday:
@sike0day 3 of #10-days-in-public! didn't really do any coding today just started brainstorming ideas for hack club birthdays website. This is my first time using notion so I'm also learning how to use notion.
@sike02/10 of #10-days-in-public! Worked on the calendar layout using date-fns, I have to get better colors for the calendar any colors in mind? Feedback and ideas would be nice also :)