Posts tagged with :scrappy:


/scrappy setcss <https://gist.github.com/MatthewStanciu/a0c10a8d4264b737fcc3c1724591c232>

file. In the last couple of weeks, I rewrote the entire codebase, adding features like Docker support and proper OAuth.
The most significant change, however, was the ability to use it as a headless CMS for static sites (such as Hugo sites) powered by Blogger. Configuration is rather simple and can use most common formats such as JSON, YAML, TOML, etc.
The project works by fetching posts from Blogger on a customizable interval and comparing against the last known posts. Any new posts are converted to Markdown and optionally, pushed to a Git repository. Assuming the Git repository is connected to a service like Vercel or is using a workflow, the changes will be deployed automatically. If overwriting is enabled in the configuration file, posts unpublished in Blogger will be deleted from the Hugo site.
Multiple destinations can be used too. In practice, that means multiple websites, for example, frontmatter mappings can also be customized to either disable frontmatter options or to make it work with other static site generators.
The code is also structured in a manner making it easy to add support for new features.
Any feedback would be appreciated. Feel free to make PRs or issues in the repository
GitHub repository: github.com/slashtechno/cross-blogger
YouTube video (same as attached video): www.youtube.com/watch?v=H3HyQ7h5ogE
(cross posted from #ship)