@JosephDong0Did some more polishing, I only just realized that I made the BPM a non-integer number but hopefully no one will notice :))))
Still need to write up vocals though@e-lee-za0Trying to rewrite my game's story, and in the meantime, another song I made just this morning@e-lee-za0I made a song today :D@e-lee-za0I was playing with some audio editing and a short snippet of a song I'd made and........yeah idk what I did@e-lee-za0Finished the song this morning, and still did a lot of studying for my exam. I think I'm getting there.@e-lee-za0Remaking my song Green Light! (Again!)
It’s been over two years since I first wrote it…in fact I’m pretty sure you can find the original somewhere in here…time flies@caleb0Day 2 of writing a li'l song and throwing it into the void@sahitid1day 7/10 of #10-days-in-public #zachtoberfest: i'm trying to replace the music on my sprig
w the chords of an actual song. and then i worked on a mock acsl
challenge questions and studied for the psat tmr!
@Omay0im doing the 10 days, but i can't do the thing im trying to do (school), so heres some music i made@rajanagarwal0finally writing a song i’ve been experimenting with! also calebconf
@jzaleta0Making an updated version of my P5.js Music Visualizer!
@alex0after a lot of restarts, issues, almost giving up, finally done with 98% of it.
@jzaleta0Did a bit of night hackin' working on my freeCodeCamp web dev course while listening to the site Code Radio Station, and finally, I surpassed my initial progress that I had previously made my last time on the course, so this content I answered today is new and have never seen it before! Looking forward to make more progress and see awesome new things on it!
@kayley0Aaaand that's a wrap of my run as section leader! — with 12/27 of the flute section
@matthew0As an Apple Music user, I always feel left out of the end of year music wrapped hype because Spotify Wrapped blows Apple Music Replay out of the water. The worst part about Apple Music Replay is that it's impossible to share your top 10 albums in one screenshot—so I stitched a few screenshots together in Preview on my Mac and made my own screenshot! I made two versions: a square one and a portrait one, with slightly different layouts. I eyeballed everything so it's not perfect, but I'm very excited that I can finally share my top 10 albums of the year!!! 🎵
@lachlanjc0This episode of Song Exploder diving into the experiences/writing/production of Billie Eilish’s “everything i wanted” is one of the most compelling things I've listened to in awhile overcast.fm/+EwEyvtW8c@ceo7710The new version of music player to keep you concentrated while coding has released on domecode.com
Provides more flexibility and an overall better design! 🎵
Oh and btw the whole DomeCode project is open-source lol
@blakedfreeman0Been learning “house of the rising sun” and my thumb feels like it’s going to fall off
@isacisboss7180Orchestra concert day, everyone looked depressed (person on the right is me)
Played around with audacity today.@e-lee-za0I am very happy with this and it only took a weekend to make :D@midhun121m0On some music production🎧
@e-lee-za0Wip of another song for my game (yes I put rain in the background)@e-lee-za0This is what happens when you add reverb to the toy celesta. It’s so creepy thanks I hate it and I’m keeping it in the song