

0-day streak
Finally shipped the first version of my university department’s Scrapbook analytics that enables students and teachers to filter and search posts by year of study, post category, study profilation and so on. More to come 😏
Work in progress. When I finish this iteration, teachers at my university department (hopefully) should have good overview over whats happening on student portfolios and personal websites via this simple analytical dashboard :)).
Day 2/10 of #10-days-in-public: lets gooo convolutional neural networks! Love how MOOCs always introduce me to maybe more difficult things in a very easy and straightforward way :D.
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Day 1/10: shipped scrappy’s Discord.js sibling that submits updates from students learning portfolios into a single discord channel. I still have so much to do today. Next, I need to ship an update for a reading seminar.
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added portfolio submission form on scrapbook copycat
Experimenting with scrapbook copycat which, at this point, aggregates blog posts of students in our department (fortunately most students use wordpress or wix, so its solved problem to just parse their feeds). The app uses supabase and the synchronisation of posts uses supabase edge functions invoked by cron which runs in the db. I kinda like supabase. Next step is to create a brother of scrappy (but for Discord) so students can submit posts from our existing community.
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Waiting for an online conference to start. I'm so tired from staying awake for ama yesterday 🥲 but it was very nice. Kudos to moderators and hack clubbers who participated.
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shipped a simple analytics dashboard for web based books
synced google docs folder with my blog by few npm installs :D zotero citations are automatically transformed into nicely looking links ☺️
iterating web books analytics platform
oh. I finished a mooc (improving your study techniques) as part of university course. It turns out learning moocs is way easier when i have someone to share my progress with at school.
Some progress on dashboard for web based books analytics using postgresql + next.js + tremor ui library.
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Finally managed to publish review-ish reflection of Floridi's The Fourth Revolution on my blog
Found old material on prototype for math learning text-based game I thought of after reading The Flock Without Birds lol.
inspired by geohot, I launched offline version of wikipedia as a deamon on my machine. Powered by python zimply.
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learning the very basics of rust. chapter 4. ownership
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i'm back from a digital detox (small boat trip)
writing quick one-pager research on hack club. it's has been fun so far
Today I debugged a jest testing in web book publishing tool. It turned out there was a marginal problem, but I have chosen wrong path to find the bug it at first, which let me to lose few hours. Next time solving similar unknown issue 1) I want to be more strategic about it, recall the need for metacognition and planning of the debugging process, 2) do short write-up of how it went.
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Practicing writing in English.