

0-day streak
Decided to switch from a mostly linux setup to windows with wsl2, working pretty well!
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I have my first driving lesson today! Not too sure what image to post with this and I probably won't have time to do a lot of coding today so here's my sticker and cool stuff collection :)
After a long hiatus to study for my calculus exam, I'm finally back to coding in Rust! Currently learning some things I missed in the Rust book (which is awesome, btw).
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Made a few changes to my website, so close to 100 lighthouse performance
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Set up my raspberry pi and webcam 📷, installed a VSCode remote server for super convenient development and started writing some basic openCV code for accessing the webcam in Python 🎉
woohoooo got my hardware 😎
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My hardware has been shipped, should arrive very soon! (don't even try to understand the image, it's the tracking info in Hebrew haha)
Still learning calculus, slowly but surely going over everything 🙂
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Studying calculus today (exam season OwO), I love math but I do really wish I could be coding right now. Going over my notes and exercises, and then I'll start plowing through some past papers 🙂
Just sent in my hardware list, something tells me I should post an update on scrapbook
Had a big test this morning so I didn't do much today, I did get a vps though which I've been wanting to do for a while! Also started working on my final hardware shopping list for summer of making
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Got invited to interview for Mozilla MVP Lab for a project I'm working on with my brother, this is exciting 🥳