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Posts tagged with :merge:

Finally I am the first on github contribution this month in my home country hope to keep the title a till the end of the year
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Today I had my next introductory day to college! It was great as well. I'm ready to start classes next week!
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So as I mentioned yesterday, here's the description for my new Hack Club's PR!
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There were some differences between Scrapbook's README file and the "About" section of the website, so I edited the .mdx file which I also learned how to work with to bring back that missing info! Today I also saw some new coding things that I could use and I took this photo because it's raining. 🌧️
Today I learned about a very cool Blender
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Halftone Shader
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thanks to @msw! This is going to be useful for my 3D model experiments and for 2D as well!
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Today I also studied for my Biology 🦠 🔬 test that I'll have tomorrow and finished yesterday's PR
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that got merged!
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Also I'm working with @jessicard on a new project for Hack Club
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that I'll give more details soon! 👀
Today I did another Hack Club
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Pull Request!
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It improves the README by adding more info on how to contribute! Tomorrow I'll try to make the other one I've been working on about a guide for Workshops! Also today I learned more about YADM, because I'm going to finally make my Dotfiles! 🌱 As well I saw things about Cron's Calendar app
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and I setup a VPN 🌐 with the help of @BenjaminSmith and his Outline Server!
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I finally finished studying for tomorrow's Calculus Exam, so it's time to start coding again!
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So for this first 1️⃣ post of the day, I'm sharing that I did a new Pull Request
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for Hack Club!
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It's an update on the index.js
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file that adds a link to the streaks page at the main Scrapbook page.
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And speaking of streaks, with this post I take @sampoder second 🥈 streak place at scrapbook post with 243 consecutive days!!! 🔥
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Today I continued studying for my exam, helped to review a Hack Club
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Workshop PR
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and started working on another workshop translation!
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Also I'm going to be setting up a VM Server using Oracle and CloudFlare
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and try to install PopOS! on it! As well I hope my GitHub :github: Graduation 🎓 PR will get merged on time :merge: because the time it's almost over! ⏲️ And lastly, here's a retro styled terminal on my Macbook, which I used to had on my PopOS!
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setup and that I will use to write a Science Fiction story! 🛸
After a lot of time, I finally got to draw my Hack Club
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and add it to the repo!
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It was the #500th Pull Request!
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It was a cool small project and I'm glad it's finished, now I'll try to accomplish my other things in development! 💻 Also here's a Manatee image as well!
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smol update, but added our CSS repo to the /branding page and gave a blurb on our UI components
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2021 is almost over, and I'm happy to be part of Hack Club because it changed a lot things on my life, I made amazing new friends and learned a lot. Today I finished my second workshop translation that got merged! I look forward for awesome things this new year and hacky moments on Hack Club :) Here's a picture of my GitHub commits, these are only 35 because I started to got more involved into coding a few months ago but I hope to make more awesome and cool things on 2022!
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Wahoo! Today I finally submitted my first contribution to Hack Club! My workshop translation pull request got merged! This is an amazing progress because this is my first pull request ever! Looking forward to make more contributions as time passes and I learn more things!!!
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Got my workshop merged
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Pull request has been merged😍