

0-day streak
I made a program which calculates unsolvable differential equations (specifically the pendulum with air resistance problem) computationally to get an estimate to a tuneable accuracy github.com/cluac7/diffeq-solver
github emoji
summer-of-making emoji
I made my first game in unreal engine! It's a 3D platformer and shooter (well shooting is mostly for the platform puzzles :)) with a custom modelled and animated character in Maya. You can play it by downloading the zip in releases. github.com/cluac7/unreal_first_game/tree/master
I created, rigged and boned, and animated a main character player for my game in Maya. It has idling, walking, jumping and climbing (ladder) animations all exported as FBX for easy viewing or importing into your own games. github.com/cluac7/maya-character-design
summer-of-making emoji
python emoji
github emoji
A blazing fast rust password generator that can create different types of passwords of any length for any app! (i also forgot to submit this to scrapbook like a week ago lol). github.com/cluac7/passwd-gen
github emoji
summer-of-making emoji
rustlang emoji
created the design in figma for a web app i'm going to create soon with rust/htmx. it's my first time using figma but it should help with development.
rustlang emoji
summer-of-making emoji
figma emoji
Made a markdown previewer in Rust using Tauri and only pure JS so it's nice and fast. Supports Linux, Windows and MacOS (windows and macos untested), and it doesn't do everything in the CommonMark spec yet but does enough for now to work fine for quick previews. Downloads for all platforms are at github.com/cluac7/mdopen-rs
github emoji
summer-of-making emoji
js emoji
linux emoji
rustlang emoji
Made a discord bot in C++ for tracking assignments for school. Currently I use it for my chemistry class to track homework. I've attached some pictures and the github repo link, which has instructions on setting it up for yourself. github.com/cluac7/chembot