

0-day streak
Just added a few upgrades to the keyboard maestro raycast extension, such as fuzzy searching, and enabling and disabling macros straight from the extension. Check out the repo here: github.com/not-first/list-keyboard-maestro-macros, and check out the raycast store for installation.
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Created apr with a tiny little bug fix for the arcade raycast extension! It allows you to view everything about your session, start and stop it. It even lets you send scraps to slack, straight from raycast! (WITH FILES!) For screenshots and more information about its usage and installation, check out the repo here: github.com/D99-1/Hackclub-Arcade-Raycast-Extension
I finished a new scrapbook raycast extension! It has been remade with new functionality allowing access to search a thousands of users, view recent posts, and has actions such as copying usernames, and opening posts in slack. Check out the repo here: github.com/not-first/scrapbook-raycast-extension. It is currently in the process of being reviewed for the official raycast store!
I just finished a raycast extension for scrapbook. It allows viewing of recent posts, and also searching through users. You can see all information about a post or user, and even open posts in slack, or open profiles in the browser. Check out the images attached, and check out the repo here: github.com/not-first/scrapbook-raycast-extension
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I just added comments to my lost items management project. It is a simple project prototype for businesses to manage lost items by registered an item with characteristics and an image, and then deleting it when it is found. It is made in visual basic. Check out the repo here: github.com/not-first/LostItemManagementSystem
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I made a simple lost items management system prototype for businesses! You can register items and delete them (including images) and there are many settings to filter, sort and search. I made it in Visual Basic. Check out the repo here: github.com/not-first/LostItemManagementSystem
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And, another final update to the extension (forgot from earlier) is another upgrade of the menubar, to be even more reactive and support more features and with a better backend file setup. Check out the extension here: github.com/D99-1/Hackclub-Arcade-Raycast-Extension
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Also, my node calculator supports a sidebar where you can drag and drop new nodes on!
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summer-of-making emoji
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Im experimenting with a visual calculator, where there are different nodes that take an input and output, and can peform actions like adding or subtracting. Here is the link, basic operations work, but it is still a work in progress. here: not-first.github.io/flow-calculator
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I created a pull request that upgrades @Dhyan99's raycast extension's menu bar, with much more info and the ability to control everything about the session. It is reactive to the session state, such as running, paused or ended and contains everything you would have to access. Check out the extension here: github.com/D99-1/Hackclub-Arcade-Raycast-Extension
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I created a pull request to @Dhyan99’s raycast extension and added a new command 'View Session History', which allows you to see all of your past sessions sorted by recency, as well as their work, goal, session length (or clock if you are still working) and time ago you started. Check out the extension: github.com/D99-1/Hackclub-Arcade-Raycast-Extension