

0-day streak
PCB card part 2: (WIP). I am currently learning PCB design (for OnBoard). First, I followed the tutorial and learnt some basic stuff like how to use the CAD editor and search components, etc. Then I just decided to straight-up build a whole computer in the chip, which is actually a secret radio / tranceiver thing. This will be my final scrapbook. GitHub link:
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PCB card: (WIP and probably won't finish by the end of arcade since school is starting). I am currently learning PCB design (for OnBoard). First, I followed the tutorial and learnt some basic stuff like how to use the CAD editor and search components, etc. Then I just decided to straight-up build a whole computer in the chip, which is actually a secret radio / tranceiver thingy. This might be extremely difficult, but so far I have found the modules needed to build this thing. I am just worried about the final thing not working so I am making this a checkpoint. Demos attactched. GitHub link:
Portfolio project (Part 1): I created my first-ever portfolio using raw HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (No frameworks, just pure 2000s-style web designing). The concept around this portfolio is my character of the dinosaur, mainly themed around the Jurrasic time environment. I managed to complete the pre-home page which is a dino game, and the home page as well. I am taking a break from this for a while since I don't really have the motivation to finish this right now, it's been over a week since I edited this as I am on vacation as well. I have fallen as victim to the hands of laziness and relaxation. Anyways, GitHub repo: Some screenshots and demos are attached.
I made a blot project which I learnt more about maths than JavaScript, since I tried to make it as responsive as possible. It is a battleship template that has auto-generated ships which the computer randomly generates. Github repo: Some screenshots attached.
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I made a sprig game (not the one for submission) just for me to understand the syntax and ways of sprig. It is in fact the iconic chrome dino run game but the quality is so bad since I had to debug for a very long time. Demo video attached. Github repo:
I developed my existing foundational level (basically only cout and cin) C++ knowledge by building a console-based Chrome dino run game. The best thing about this game is that no browser is required and it runs on your local terminal. Even though the browser version might be more fun, the main purpose of this project was for me to better grasp the syntax and techniques in C++ such as memory allocation (took me 2 hours to debug). Github repo: Demo video attached ("no no its not a bug its a feature, a very hard obstacle that trains your reflexes"):
I learned the math and theory behind neural networks and created a neural network in raw Python (and numpy) myself using some articles and 3blue1brown guidance. It is the classic number recognition module, trained using the MNIST dataset. Not gonna lie, I did not expect this much calculus to be involved with it, especially the back propagation which I still do not fully understand. I will probably learn more and build more projects on machine learning and deep learning since I think it's pretty cool what I've learnt from this project. Github repo: The highest accuracy I've gotten from this module was 91.7% from the test data.
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This project is my first React Native project and it was torture to be completely honest. Building something by yourself and not knowing what you are doing can lead to hours of debugging and you almost going insane (Now I have become the personification of insanity). This is a book journal app, designed mainly for the purpose of motivating myself to read more since I am currently failing language classes. This is only a prototype of the app and getting myself to understand React native syntax and concepts, and I had to cut this short because I reached the 25-session limit (maybe even over). If I feel like it again, I might create a final version of this app and launch it for yall to use as well. Feel free to give feedback and criticism below in this thread. Github repository: Demo video attached
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I made another small game with python - Hangman - during my family reunion on my mobile. Git repo(file is Demo video attached
This calculator project was made during a chaotic family reunion. Through this, I learnt how to use the tkinter python library and also how to implement git onto your phone using Termex. It was really entertaining coding something while my family collapses through disagreements and such. Repository and demo linked:
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I created a chrome dino inspired game in Unity with C# in 2 days (mainly exploring the program). The dinosaur in the game is my avatar and icon, which I thought was really cool. I've learnt a lot of techniques in Unity from this project, glad I did it 🙂 Github repo: