

0-day streak
github emoji
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summer-of-making emoji
Blog website, mostly just frontend oriented idea, but backend works just fine
summer-of-making emoji
Original idea was to be able to share it so people can vote on their devices, but I didnt figure out how to do it, so made it simpler
summer-of-making emoji
summer-of-making emoji
github emoji
github.com/jane-does-coding/portfolio I tried making my portfolio website, I did not add information, just the UI, which I think is pretty cool. I saw a website and took a lot of inpiration from it, original idea was to re-create it, but I added so much of my ideas that it ended up being completly different, but I love it
cooll-dino emoji
summer-of-making emoji
github emoji
thinking emoji
Created the simple weight tracker, because all existing ones are too complicated
summer-of-making emoji
Did a laptop version of the boxing website
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Im trying to make a quizlet clone, so far, I made login, register, profile, update profile, create quiz view quizzes, view quiz and take quiz pages
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Like 2nd time ever using python
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I made this, and submitted for some hackathon, so yea
summer-of-making emoji
I always had this issue that my parents had a shopping list, and whenever me or other kids wanted to add something, we just told our parents and they might have forgotten, or even if parent's just forget the list at home, and this is a list which you can share with your family and then any of you can add or remove items from your own phone, so that solves a problem I had 🙂
summer-of-making emoji
hardware emoji
A langing page for boxing website, only mobile done, but the whole thing
summer-of-making emoji
The quiz website I did before, I rewrote it to be responsive on laptops and also removed random code and made it look nicer, and work on firefox and google and also some other stuff
goose-honk-technologist emoji
firefoxlogo emoji
summer-of-making emoji
google emoji
I always had this issue that my parents had a shopping list, and whenever me or other kids wanted to add something, we just told our parents and they might have forgotten, or even if parent's just forget the list at home, and this is a list which you can share with your family and then any of you can add or remove items from your own phone, so that solves a problem I had 🙂
hardware emoji
summer-of-making emoji
I am done with this website, I might add more stuff later, but that would be whole seperate story, that's how Ill keep it
summer-of-making emoji
UI and Auth done for quiz/learning website! Yay Yay
summer-of-making emoji
yay emoji
UI and Auth done for quiz/learning website! Yay Yay
yay emoji
summer-of-making emoji
I'm done making a recipe website, you can upload, comment, view, delete, edit and its fully responsive, which is great I think.
thinking emoji
summer-of-making emoji
Recipe website, now I made it responsive, and also finished MOSTLY, so yayyy
summer-of-making emoji
Im at a pretty solid point 👏 I only have to do image upload and recommendations and fix small things to finalize and as well make it all be responsive
summer-of-making emoji
I'm at a pretty solid point, I added the UI, Auth, started the whole thing, animations, encryption, login/register and home page
summer-of-making emoji
I don't know what I did, but I did something, basically 3D website with moving parts, my first time making 3D website
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Made my own browser 👏
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Word counter website
summer-of-making emoji
Zodiac Site Website
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Did a website where u can find events and post events
summer-of-making emoji
Was making a website for something responsive
summer-of-making emoji
Added the ability to create a recipe and now all are being displayed dynamically
summer-of-making emoji
Recipe website
spring-of-making emoji
I created authentication system and most of the UI for the landing, about and login/register pages
Did a landing page