@alialiwa20050Winter of Making Day 10
Yesterday, Minecraft was first deployed.
Today, networking has been configured to publicly expose the world, allowing you to join in!
I invite you to test LWS by playing Minecraft
as a service hosted on Libre Web Services
Join the world today, version 1.19 PaperMC
Theoretically, in case the server goes down for any reason, it should spin up again promptly!
Hopefully that won't happen too often, though, as each instance of Minecraft leverages 2 ARM cores
& 2 gigabytes of DDR4 Samsung RAM powering a high-performance optimized fork (please keep in mind that because we're running off microSD cards, there most likely be greater than typical lag/delays).
Minecraft Server Address:
will remain public for at least the next 7 days, so feel free to attempt a speedrun, play with friends, and build cool things while it's public!
Feel free to post your creations on Minecraft on Libre Web Services on scrapbook, feel free to also tag me & attach the libre-web-services emoji to your
Additionally, I invite you to check out SkyScanner, another project in this year's Winter of Making Winter Hardware Wonderland event, which is a DIY aircraft radar station that recieves and records ADS-B signals from nearby flying aircraft in real-time!
In a collaboration, SkyScanner is now publicly exposed via a Libre Web Services tunnel (skyscanner.libre.hackclub.com), which will remain a publicly-accessible dashboard for the next 24 hours, so check it out while it's airborne!
Libre Web Services on Hack Club Scrapbook | Libre.hackclub.com
@MostafaSaleh0Winter of Making Day 10
Here is my project's local dashboard publicly tunneled via Libre Web Services
@alialiwa20050Winter of Making Day 7
Libre Web Services case finished printing!
@alialiwa20050Winter of Making Day 6
Installed Kubernetes
on Libre Web Services (LWS)
nodes & made a cluster!
@alialiwa20050Winter of Making Day 5
While the remainder of the LWS cluster case prints, I've flashed SD cards & booted Ubuntu Server
, before completing basic setup and networking... The 4 nodes will have consecutive static IPs for ease of access and identification.
Here's a screenshot of a CPU info command executed through ssh to one of the Libre Web Services
As you can see, it's an aarch64 ARM
Cortex A53 cpu, a mighty cpu for it's size and power efficiency.
@alialiwa20050Winter of Making Day 4.5
Here's the first successful print of a node rack platform (it's screwless!), as well as a freshly unboxed piece of credit-card-sized, Arm-powered
Libre Web Services
hardware infrustructure!
@alialiwa20050Winter of Making Day 4
I tried 3D printing my design from yesterday, but my printer gave me good advice after failing repeatedly... don't overcomplicate things.
Hey, simple is best, right?
Here's Libre Web Service's
simplified cover.
3D printing today. Hopefully all goes well.
@alialiwa20050Winter of Making Day 3
A Hack Clubber once said, "a great design, physical and virtual, is essential for a great project."
Hello, brand-new freshly-designed Hack-Club-and-Winter-of-Making-themed Winter-Hardware-Wonderland-2023-event-commerative and personal-Hack-Clubber-Journey-commemorating Libre Web Services
@alialiwa20050Winter of Making Day 2
Introducing Libre Web Services
, inspired by Amazon Web Services
• Gigabit Fiber-Optic
• 16 ARM Cortex-A53 @ 1.4GHz
• 16GB DDR4-2133 SDRAM
• 4 ARM Mali-450 @ 500MHz
A hackable, scalable, load-balanced, home-hosted cloud service powered by Kubernetes
& 16 Arm cpu cores
Logo design incorporates Libre Computer, Hack Club, and Kubernetes.
@alialiwa20050Winter of Making Day 1
• A 4-core Arm computer.
• A 60 watt power supply.
• A gigabit network switch.
• A snappy class-10 micro SD card.
A plan is brewing, a blueprint for a hackable cloud, right at home.