@Olive1Day 10 of #C045S4393CY| - Final day! After taking a bit of a break, I came back to having a bunch of assets ready to be implemented, so I did just that, building a whole new level that looks awesome as well as redoing how the player movement works to make it feel even more floaty and ethereal.@Olive1Day 9 of #C045S4393CY| - I made a main menu! It can be opened using esc and you can play or exit the game. It's not much but figuring out how UI works took a while.@Olive1Day 8 of #C045S4393CY| - Fixed hanging stuff so it's not nearly as buggy, esp when the player is on it, fixed player movement, and made new fireball and forceball textures@Olive1Day 7 of #C045S4393CY| - Made a website for my juice game! This was super fun and will definitely evolve over time, but looks really cool overall: echos.motivationalpengu.in
@Olive1Day 6 of #C045S4393CY| - I got hanging stuff to work!!!! I fixed how hanging lamps work to make them react to force balls and be suuupperr satisfying to swing around, and I added hanging platforms which are janky but I can hopefully get to be more stable (they're also really satisfying)@Olive1Day 5 of #C045S4393CY| - Add hanging platforms! These respond to physics (like force balls and force pulses) and are going to be a fun platforming and puzzle tool :) Also fixed enemy collisions and added force pulse.@Olive1Day 4 of #C045S4393CY| - Added angry and fear enemy types! Angries can only be pushed by the force push (can't be killed) but slow down when they are pushed. Fears are scared and jump towards you in little bursts.@Olive1Day 3 of #C045S4393CY| - I got some sprites from my teammate today that I implemented! This included figuring out how animations work and finally fixing some issues with how the player movement works :D@Olive1Day 2 of #C045S4393CY| - I finally got enemy tracking to work smoothly-- no more trying to flip direction between +pi and -pi rotation! (this took wayyyy to long...)@Olive1Day 1 of #C045S4393CY| - I got the first level of my game done! This one has the player fall down into the dark cave where they'll spend the rest of the game venturing out of. Today I also made the doors and fixed enemies and lights a bunch to make it all come together!