@Jake0Got my battery tracker app styled, added more functionality, and got it on a old Lenovo tablet.
@Jake0I built a battery tracking software for FRC, it takes in the data from a Battery Beak, and stores it in the localstorage of the browser. Your also able to export it as a csv and json. And import json. Also It's a PWA . However the styling is quite bad. wave-2826.github.io/BatteryTracking
@AshishAgarwal0working on same periodic table visualizer....
• generates SVG(s) of every element using python with svgwrite
• then uses javascript and css and html to visualize it with layout...
it's almost done, I'm giving it final touches
@SouptikSamanta0New Year Countdown website which counts up to the upcoming new year! Vercel :newyrcounter.vercel.app this website is made by me Uses JS Css HTML