
Posts tagged with :heartpulse:

today i: no rust, i was too busy </3 did some more athena nbo research + checked out some other places we could have the dinner havent added those to the list yet added a minor feature to lyla
today might be the final no code day for now. 1. i met with a sponsor for #C07NWHUHD63| today also sent out some more emails. learnt that if its a small company, reach out to the ceo, a bigger one, reach out to marketing and sales (that’s what been working for me). 2. i also did lots of maths and physics work today. im rlly happy im getting ahead. 3. learnt a bunch about architecture all because of a building i saw 4. wanna work on my scrapbook css by tmrw + i wanna start deciding on a side of tech to focus on since some chunk of the cause my burnout was from focusing on wayy to many things that are all wayy to different.
day 3 of no code, i was super busy today but managed to make this :D
The things I do to maintain my streak
summer-of-making emoji
I got to attend the first GirlGenius Conference today (2200+ people)!! The workshops were amazing! S/o to @sg69926 for doing such an incredible job with GG, and @abby for helping organize this!