

0-day streak
github emoji
summer-of-making emoji
github emoji
summer-of-making emoji
I have been working on my Project Idea Generator for arcade for a while! You can see it here The repo is here
summer-of-making emoji
github emoji
I updated 'How many hours left?' for Hackclub arcade! I worked on this update for one session! Here is whats new: Removed Items that are no longer in stock. Added how many left of the limited items and matched them with the shop. Changed the font of the name of the item in the counter to Gaegu Github repo: github.com/olii-dev/how-many-hours-left Website: olii-dev.github.io/how-many-hours-left
summer-of-making emoji
github emoji
Introducing 'How many hours left?' for Hackclub arcade! Have you been wondering how may more hours you need to do to get what you want for Hackclub's arcade? Well now you can find out! You can see it here!
I updated my aboutme website (olii-dev.github.io/aboutme) I worked on this update for 1 session. repo: github.com/olii-dev/aboutme Here is what I did:
I added Pizza Topping Generator, How many hours left? and DevDeck to my projects.

I added where users are available to see what platform they can access the project from.

I updated the Stats to be correct!

I updated the best project I have made to 'How many hours left?'.
I created a website to see how many more hours you need to do to get what you want from the hack club arcade shop! I worked on this for 6 sessions! repo link: github.com/olii-dev/how-many-hours-left
hackclub emoji
summer-of-making emoji
goose-honk-technologist emoji
github emoji
I started making a service/website where developers create a portfolio of themselves/what they do and build and add to it overtime. I worked on this for two sessions repo link: github.com/olii-dev/Devdeck
summer-of-making emoji
github emoji
Created website for picking a Pizza topping! I worked on this for two sessions, building it from scratch starting today! Repo for Pizza Topping Generator: github.com/olii-dev/Pizza-Topping-Generator Website for Pizza Topping Generator: olii-dev.github.io/Pizza-Topping-Generator Session one slack /arcade for Pizza Topping Generator: hackclub.slack.com/archives/C06SBHMQU8G/p1719811210820309 Session two slack /arcade for Pizza Topping Generator: hackclub.slack.com/archives/C06SBHMQU8G/p1719825738642549 (the edit was adding the link bcs i forgot to do it.)
summer-of-making emoji
github emoji
slack emoji
Have been working on my website about me over three days! Reviewers please forgive and let me know if I have done anything wrong because this is my first time posting a scrapbook! I am not sure if I need to add the sessions (Idk how to) But I did this in three sessions! Here is the commit links: 1. github.com/olii-dev/aboutme/commit/2a9369765d5eb9fb19e71c42cdc4aa8f54325046 2. github.com/olii-dev/aboutme/commit/6b4eb94efcfa89baf17068eb4b7d13f63f5d47d8 3. github.com/olii-dev/aboutme/commit/aa6e2bc284e396793957a544fb01a16a1fde26dc You can view the website here: olii-dev.github.io/aboutme (edit below (I forgot to add the repo)) Here is the repo: github.com/olii-dev/aboutme