

0-day streak
spring-of-making emoji
made a slack bot which allows someone to post a date using human readable language "today at 4, May 24th, 2024 at 6:00pm" and allows users to click a button to convert it this was my first time experimenting with nlp and buttons in a slack bot
spring-of-making emoji
started making the activity measurement system, i fully implemented one part of it
My first webextension works! It can convert any quizlet flashcard set into an apkg, all in browser, although i had to hard fork a library to do it, since it only supported a very outdated module. Next steps: • Finish production proofing the code • Try and style it a bit more • Publish to Chrome Web Store & Firefox Extension Store • Ship it
I published the next major of the quizlet-scraper package I made
I started working on my at home library system
New "work" from home (school) setup
i got around to updating our school's page which included 1. adding emojis to each header 2. adding a donation box
i got kiwix-server working and dockerized
Finally got matrix/slack bridge working for the synapse server, which took forever but I’m glad I learned how to now, rather than learning at Outernet lol
so uh today has been going well, i've added an admin ui to synapse (no i didn't make it but it takes forever to compile lol), also i'm trying to bridge synapse to slack so we can still speak to people outside of outernet during outernet. thankfully today's progress has been easier than yesterday!
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i'm working on some sort of a digital bookshelf which fetches things from my goodreads
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Working on a goodbye photobook/scrapbook for our engineering teacher
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i've made 21 FT8 contacts over the 20 meter band!
not really coding related but i found out that Georgians can finally add their licenses to Apple Wallet, and it changes color when it shifts!
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I learned how to make a mode theme switcher, and I'm surprised that I've never done this before on any of my website revisions!
I finished updating my GitHub README.md, which uses actions to update itself when a new change happens and daily at midnight (UTC).