

0-day streak
Im trying to create a simple proxy relay system that can link your home network (assuming it is behind NAT or ISP restrictions that disallow external traffic) to open web through a think proxy server. Its not perfect, but im working on the idea. Git: XomaDev/OpenSpace (progress branch)
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I was working on Project Eia64 and was also creating some promo graphics. README File (includes some graphics i designed)
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<http://eia.themelon.space|eia.themelon.space> I've been creating a web system where you can try out the new programming language that Im working on (Project Eia64) Project Eia64 (weboptimized branch): <http://github.com/XomaDev/Eia64/tree/weboptimized|github.com/XomaDev/Eia64/tree/web_optimized> Backend: github.com/XomaDev/EiaWeb UI Front End: github.com/XomaDev/terminal
REPOST Eia Project For better context, please review this first:. Session order may have messed up, which may lack context. I'm currently working on developing a Bytecode based Virtual Machine for the Eia Project. It is written in C++, with long term aim to make Eia a bytecode-interpreted language like Python. GitHub link: github.com/XomaDev/Eia64/tree/compiler_x (Branch compiler_x) VM module is currently not fully experienceable, since there's a super long way to go for migration. But you may still try out the language in main branch. For the VM, initially im trying to create an assembly like language. (A sample fib code in EASM)
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Eia Project I'm currently working on developing a Bytecode based Virtual Machine for the Eia Project. It is written in C++, with long term aim to make Eia a bytecode-interpreted language like Python. GitHub link: github.com/XomaDev/Eia64/tree/compiler_x (Branch compiler_x) VM module is currently not fully experienceable, since there's a super long way to go for migration. But you may still try out the language in main branch. For the VM, initially im trying to create an assembly like language. (A sample fib code in EASM) Edit: Please see the below scrapbook post, also session ordered could have messed up, thus lacking context.
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Project Eia64 (<http://github.com/XomaDev/Eia64|github.com/XomaDev/Eia64>) An interpreted language that draws inspiration from the lovely syntax of Kotlin and other languages like Go. terminal recording: asciinema.org/a/zIBiB6Zh36CEppeWcOsKALxNn I've also been writing some docs on the language this week: eia-docs.vercel.app Also a Note to reviewer: I've made my best efforts towards working on the project and towards each session, but some code commits may seem less since a lot of time had been spent on reviewing code syntax, debugging, analogizing stuff.
Eia64 • An Interpreted Programming Language CLICK HERE I've been working on creating an language called Eia64. Check some of the cool examples here. (include branch) Step1. Clone the repo git clone <https://github.com/XomaDev/Eia64> -b include Step2. Use Eia cd Eia64 && java -jar Eia64.jar examples/animation.eia and see some magic! I'll post a screenshot into how Eia code looks. Hope you like it 🙂 Also a note to reviewer: I've tried my all best to do progress each hour. But some of the code commits may look less. I spend a lot of time debugging and analyzing program in my project across many files and it takes time, I hope it is understandable. 🙏 Thank you
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Im working on Eia64, originally part of #lang-jam, basically Im creating a whole new language Here is how the syntax looks like: Features that Im working/worked on: Standard library Creating external classes, importing, accessing methods Pre-Execution Sytnax verification that makes a language! Improving and adding a lot of syntax features (I cant describe all of them they are too many!) github.com/XomaDev/Eia64/tree/include github.com/XomaDev/Eia64API (server down rightnow, need to restart my nest instance)
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Project Eia64 It is an interpreted language inspired by the lovely syntax of Kotlin and many other languages like Go. I've loved interpreters for many years, ever since I was 12. Each time, I challenge myself to build a better version of the project (nearly) each year. Over the past week, I've focused on implementing pre-execution code analysis, which focuses on strict data type declarations for code safety. This allows for a significant shift of load from runtime to pre-runtime. (A lot of runtime checks are removed) It helped reduce execution time by a few hundred ms 👀 Code used to benchmark:
; fib(n) function written to benchmark performance

fn fib(n: Int) =
    if (n < 2) n
    else fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2)

let startTime = time()

println("Result: " + fib(30), format(" took %d ms", time() - startTime))
Eia Playground I'm also currently working on many projects related to Eia 😄 Like the Eia Playground 👀 What if you could try Eia without installing him 🤔 That's what I've made!!! You just need to do ssh -p 2244 hackclub.app! (See attached image) And tada! An Eia shell opens up! 😄 It is a fully interactive shell Port 2244 offers a line-by-line interpretation mode. You may alternatively use the port 2103 for buffer mode. Note: Please avoid moving your text cursor between texts after you have typed it. I've not yet added functionality to handle it. This was possible because of #nest, thank you again Hackclub! Git repositories Eia64 Project: <https://github.com/XomaDev/Eia64/tree/include|XomaDev/Eia64> (dev branch) Playground: <https://github.com/XomaDev/Eia64API|XomaDev/Eia64API> Eia64 Telegram bot (made it to show my friend about the project): <https://github.com/XomaDev/Eia64Bot|XomaDev/Eia64Bot> Thank you, Kumaraswamy B G
Im getting exhausted day by day, so maybe I should take some time off to focus on other projects. Since the last scrapbook post, I've been working on implementing a pre-execution analyzer that would check for expression types before it is executed. let x = 8 + "2" Normally it would get parsed this way: Let[name=x, expr=Binary(8, +, "2")] But now each node maintains a signature of itself Let[name=x, signature=String, expr=Binary(signature=String, IntLiteral(8, signature=Int), StringLiteral("2"), signature=String)] this way we can enasure type safety before execution, i will continue working on it github.com/XomaDev/Eia64/tree/include
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I've been working on Eia64, a programming language with syntax closely resembling that of Kotlin. Specialities 🤔? 1. Standard library, that is written in Eia itself! 2. Array and List implementation in StdLib 3. Import external static classes 4. Ability to create a new object from an external class 5. Anonymous / Shadow functions These are some of the features, that I've been working on with last few days. Github: XomaDev/Eia64 ( Dev Branch)
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#langjam, finally got import features and std library ready (std library itself is written in the same language)
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From past week, I'm working on a language called Eia64 for the langjam hosted by @jc 🥳, so far it supports variables, functions, iterating through various kinds of loops, arrays, unit callbacks etc! github.com/XomaDev/Eia64
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github.com/XomaDev/Sketch-Zip Was working on a compression software, trying to improve it, it combines various algorithms such as LZW and Huffman Coding. Benchmarks: