Hello everyone!
I recently completed my quote application using HTML, CSS, and Javascript. Check it out!
Repo: github.com/tanushchauhan/quote-app
Link: tanushchauhan.github.io/quote-appHello everyone!
I wanted to share a milestone in making my video chatting platform using Stream and Clerk. I have integrated Clerk, and the authentication is working now! It was an excellent practice for me to use Clerk for the first time, and I will use it in my future applications, too!
Repo: github.com/tanushchauhan/flowmeet
Link: flowmeet.vercel.app
Hello everyone!
I recently completed my chat application, which I made to chat with my friends. It is a simple application created using Next JS, tailwind, and Supabase with one chat room. Check it out!
Repo: github.com/tanushchauhan/chat-app
Link: chatapp.tanushchauhan.com
posting it one more time
Hello everyone!
I recently completed my Next JS application, which is called GradeMate. I made this app as a wrapper over my high school's gradebook application to create a better UI and add extra features like grade prediction and GPA calculation. I shared it with some people in my school, and they loved it! I plan to improve it as this school year goes on. I have added a demo account in the application so you all can take a look and experience the application. The credentials for the same can be found on the app's login page. Read the readme on the repo for details on running the application locally and credits.
repo: github.com/tanushchauhan/grade-app
Link: grademate.tanushchauhan.com
Posting it again
Hello everyone!
I recently completed my Next JS application, which is called GradeMate. I made this app as a wrapper over my high school's gradebook application to create a better UI and add extra features like grade prediction and GPA calculation. I shared it with some people in my school, and they loved it! I plan to improve it as this school year goes on. I have added a demo account in the application so you all can take a look and experience the application. The credentials for the same can be found on the app's login page. Read the readme on the repo for details on running the application locally and credits.
repo: github.com/tanushchauhan/grade-app
Link: grademate.tanushchauhan.com
posting again
Hello everyone!
I recently completed my Next JS application, which is called GradeMate. I made this app as a wrapper over my high school's gradebook application to create a better UI and add extra features like grade prediction and GPA calculation. I shared it with some people in my school, and they loved it! I plan to improve it as this school year goes on. I have added a demo account in the application so you all can take a look and experience the application. The credentials for the same can be found on the app's login page. Read the readme on the repo for details on running the application locally and credits.
repo: github.com/tanushchauhan/grade-app
Link: grademate.tanushchauhan.com
Hello everyone!
I recently completed my Next JS application, which is called GradeMate. I made this app as a wrapper over my high school's gradebook application to create a better UI and add extra features like grade prediction and GPA calculation. I shared it with some people in my school, and they loved it! I plan to improve it as this school year goes on. I have added a demo account in the application so you all can take a look and experience the application. The credentials for the same can be found on the app's login page. Read the readme on the repo for details on running the application locally and credits.
repo: github.com/tanushchauhan/grade-app
Link: grademate.tanushchauhan.com
Hello everyone!
I have created a Python voice bot that takes simple commands and performs a specific action. The best part is that you can easily add or remove commands as needed. You can also combine it with other Python modules or scripts to extend the functionality. Check it out!
Repo: github.com/tanushchauhan/voice-command-bot
Hello everyone!
I have created a snake game in Python. Check it out!
repo: github.com/tanushchauhan/python-snake-game
PS: I have incorporated a version of one of my projects to encrypt the high score so no one can go in and change it in the file 🙂
Didn't link one session, so posting again
Hello Everyone!
I have created a static website that helps me compile and display my small Python projects. The main purpose of this was to practice my skills in making websites completely from scratch without using libraries like React or tools like Tailwind.
Link: tanushchauhan.github.io/StaticWebToStoreCode
Repo: github.com/tanushchauhan/StaticWebToStoreCode
Hello Everyone!
I have created a website for practice using React, react-router-dom, tailwind, and framer motion. This is my first time trying out blurred background effects. I hope you like it!
Repo: github.com/tanushchauhan/TW-website
Link: thewebsite.tanushchauhan.com
Posting again.
I have created a static website that helps me compile and display my small Python projects. The main purpose of this was to practice my skills in making websites completely from scratch without using libraries like React or tools like Tailwind.
Link: tanushchauhan.github.io/StaticWebToStoreCode
Repo: github.com/tanushchauhan/StaticWebToStoreCodeHello Everyone!
I have created a static website that helps me compile and display my small Python projects. The main purpose of this was to practice my skills in making websites completely from scratch without using libraries like React or tools like Tailwind.
Link: tanushchauhan.github.io/StaticWebToStoreCode
Repo: github.com/tanushchauhan/StaticWebToStoreCodeHello Everyone!
I created a web application in Python using Flask called MessageEncDec. It encrypts and decrypts text. First, it converts the text to binary, shifts some binary bits based on a key, and then uses an algorithm to make the encrypted binary into a shorter text form.
Github: github.com/tanushchauhan/MessageEncDec
Link: tanushchauhan.pythonanywhere.com
Hello everyone!
I made a modern-looking URL shortener. Here are the details -
You can go to the home page and enter an ID and URL, and the redirect URL will be in the form "sl.tanushchauhan.com/{your_chosen_ID}"
You can also use the instant add feature by just going to sl.tanushchauhan.com/{the_ID_you_want_to_use}, and the app will ask you the URL to set.
I have used a simple supabase database to map the IDs with URLs and store them.
I hope you like this application!
Link: sl.tanushchauhan.com
Github: github.com/tanushchauhan/SnapLink
Hello everyone!
I have just completed a web app that can help people book DMV appointments in Texas! If you are not from Texas, I have added a demo account that you can use to see how the app works.
GitHub link: github.com/tanushchauhan/DMVHelp
Deployed website: dmv.tanushchauhan.com