

0-day streak
Here is a typing speed checker made fully in python with some other libraries. To use it just download the repo and open it and then run it. More info is on the In this program you can check how fast you can type and see it in real time as well with more features like accuracy , etc. here is the repo with all the commits in
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Here is a random idea generator either a lot of features which I’m resubmitting. Made sure an image was on the repo and all the commits and info are there, not sure as why it was unlinked but here is a resubmit.
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Finished working on my random idea generator in python. To use it simply just run the code and use it in the console as the user can use it. More details on using it are in the repo. This project was challenging and took some time to make as there were a lot of new features like selecting different types of ideas and difficulties. Here is the repo with all the commits in it :
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Here is a trumpet note guider. It is used so that you convert sheet music names like Ab into actual fingerings in which you can play. The trumpet has three valves(which can be pressed, the meaning of fingerings). All other details and more info are in the repo
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Here is a palindrome checker in python. To use it, just run the program. All the libraries used and instructions to use it are stated in the repo . I uploaded to scrap book later because I thought I already finished it, my fault. Here is the link to the palindrome
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This is a project in python with not a lot of external libraries. To use it, run the program and use the output or console to get the the user input so you can set your protected timer. All instructions for running the repo and downloading are in the GitHub repo here
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I made a palindrome checker in which you can use it for many cases, mostly as a game. You can enter your name , what difficulty you want and then play the game in where you have to guess it. Run the program to see the output. All commits and code are in the repo in
Hey! I recently made a password project in python to further boost my skills. This is because I want to continue learning such stuff like this and make it. To use it, simply run the program and you can open, edit and create accounts and view info inside of them. To use the repo , just open it in vs code and more info and instructions are in the repo
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I made an advanced calculator in python in which you can use it for many different purposes and functions. Initially it only had the basic arithmetic operations but then it soon turned more and more advanced to use with more operations like sin, etc. to use it, you run the program and check the output in the console or terminal and you can run operations there which I prefer from UI. All the steps on downloading and running it are on the
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Hi! I have recently finished my project, a number guesser game in python. While having no actual visual output really, it still shows strong user responsiveness as the user can use the console to choose beteeen different dice games and select how many they want to using the import random to give random responses. All the commits and the repo are here as well as how to use
One of my favorite projects so far, a number guessing game. While it may look simple you can use it to play against the computer or against a friend via a scoreboard and other winning messages. To use it, download the repo and open it. More instructions and all the code and commits are on the repo.
I made a series of works in Lua. This is for me to expand my coding ability to different languages and also to learn more about Lua particularly because it’s used in Roblox studio. For someone who never knew or used the language before it was kinda confusing and challenging but in the end I could do it. Overall the project was good for me to learn new stuff in a do it yourself type of tutorial. Also instead of a traditional website or UI I implemented a system for the user to just enter in “units” of Lua that I created from my own documentation and work in this project and see what I made. I made this because I feel the joy of coding should be shared by all, even those who don’t know how to. Instructions and everything are in the GitHub repository:
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Today I finished my study site project. Originally going to be a Spanish study site, I quickly changed to a coding site. Can’t change the repo name or the commits might not work. The site was built using tailwind, html and JavaScript for the logic. In the website, you can take different types of quizzes, see your results. There is also a to do list in which you can plan your work. Took a long time with the JavaScript mostly as I had basically no experience with actual coding and the project itself was challenging and cool to all the project files and how to run it and view it are in this repository with the commits in there as well
I made a travel poster gallery to furthermore practice my graphic design skills and also css/frontend skills. I never had any expierence with graphic design so all of this is sort of new for me, so I decided to make posters on the different cities of the world by sort of creating info and travel stuff about it. I also made a simple tailwind website to furthermore boost my skills in frontend. However I ran into some problems like I didn’t know you had to upload the source files and the other problems were mostly with the graphic design . All the images and source files are in the GitHub. Some commits were added later on because they were required for the whole project.
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summer-of-making emoji
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I made a series of works in python and then at the end I organized them into functions which can be run via user input. This is too make the code more easier to use and understand . Originally I was going to make into several projects but it was gonna be easier for me to just put them into one project as I am still a beginner but I all the code is made by me and some looks really easy to make but this project or sort of guide through is good to look at and refresh and rebuild your concepts in python. . All commits and code are in this GitHub repository. PS: there are I believe 27 commits so please try to review all.
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I designed a website that is responsive using tailwind css in replit but with git commits. I believe the site is pretty good for someone who has basically no expierence with front end frameworks. All code and git commits are here:
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Day 1 of #hardware-party! On the first day, I tried to set up my Arduino Uno and I tried to use the Arduino IDE. I had so much fun using the Arduino IDE and seeing what it can do. My project also uses a servo motor so I found the code for the custom-made Arduino arm: int potPin = A0; // Potentiometer connected to analog pin A0 int servoPin = 9; // Servo connected to digital pin 9 void setup() { pinMode(potPin, INPUT); // Set the potentiometer as an input pinMode(servoPin, OUTPUT); // Set the servo as an output Serial.begin(9600); // Initialize serial communication } This is not all the code and I will try to finish more on the second day of #hardware-party!