I worked on a few things, but I am most proud of making my Piezo play notes, I am really excited to where I can go with this! I also updated the #C0710J7F4U9| canvas and ysws.hackclub.com to add cafe! And I added a lil animation to my personal website every time an image is hovered on- I will work more on it soon!
Day 2 of
, I worked more on
! One feature I added to my drawing game was automatic whitespace switching once every 10 seconds after 30 so when on my desk the board always stays fluid and animated!
I made it so the player cannot escape the screen on BlackBox!
For my website project today I also worked on a subdomain that will eventually host all of my random one off project sitesI spent a lot of time redoing one of my old Java CLI projects... but this time as a GUI, as I couldn't figure out how to properly convert my CLI bank account into a GUI app, or think of new features to add to my cookie clicker clone. This tested my patience the most out of any project I have built so far as I kept squashing and making bugs for what seemed to be hours, and having to go through trial and error many times as I teach myself how the Swing library works. There is still a lot of work to be done, and I have had to essentially rewrite everything from my old simple CLI program except a few switch statements for questions which had to be modified and moved what was not what I expected going into this. I am also in the process of methodizing the code from the single static block as it is a lot more versatile in CLI and necessary for GUI apps.
Worked on my first multi - method Java project, I stayed away from them for a while as they seemed confusing but they make programs so much better and more realistic, I love them already!
Worked on Nested For Loop Practice in Java for a test in school, and also worked a bit on my minecraft mod PotatoPerks! modrinth.com/mod/potato-perks