

0-day streak
in which i do ascii art on a smith-corona mark vi
got a black unlabeled envelope so I figured it was either something cool or anthrax and hey! i'm not dead.
cooll-dino emoji
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sprig-dino emoji
we #ship these.
having fun shipping in #hardware-party, i look a lil soulless on camera lol
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Writing up a script for a retrospective on the #hardware-party and my project.
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#hardware-party day 10! and a special surprise. did you know that for every video I've posted, slack has assumed I said hat club? the only one it didn't was the one where I didn't talk.
hat-club emoji
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#hardware-party day 9: sent the text from a web page hosted by flask, which wrote it to a file, which was picked up by the led matrix code. lil janky but if it doesn't work
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goose-honk-technologist emoji
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day 8 of the #hardware-party and i did something RESTful
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#hardware-party day 007 zero skill zero equipment seven fractured pieces of acrylic
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#hardware-party day 6 :))))) bounced from emulator to actual screen for this one. added Spotify functionality, now rips currently playing song and displays it :O
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#hardware-party day 5! halfway there! decided to use an emulator temporary before i fully deploy it, but now it's doing more news and making it look good. very happy with results so far
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#hardware-party day 4 ._. today was an ok day. got news on the board, now i need to get more of it on there
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yup emoji
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#hardware-party day 3 (.O.) it works??? everything has been working??? this surely means something will light on fire soon
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#hardware-party day 2 :)))) did you know that you can get the entire jetbrains suite for free with github? now i do lol
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winter-hardware-wonderland emoji
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I've been wondering: what's the best acronym for the Winter Hardware Wonderland? WHW seems pretty mid. Anyways, here's day 1 of my project and here's hoping that everything works out in the end.
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winter-hardware-wonderland emoji
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gonna try learning guitar :)