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github.com/hatanuk/EventPassApp this is the product of my mobile development journey. I've had the idea to recreate an app that passively transmits data between nearby users, similar to StreetPass for the Nintendo 3DS. I then discovered Bluetooth Low Energy, realised it could be possible, and decided to learn Swift from scratch to try and implement it. so far, it's just the skeleton; the account functionality is there but the transmission system is not yet implemented. this particular app is also implemented in the context of conferences/events where users could transmit business cards. In the case that it actually works well, could try using this experience to develop a similar app for a wider audience. since this is my first app, I doubt it will be robust enough for an App Store release, but hopefully it will provoke further ideas.
summer-of-making emoji
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i was interested in trying my hand at hardware and purchased a breadboard kit. my idea for a project was to build a bike-powered generator and a lot of time was spent on research how circuits function, as I was basically starting from zero knowledge. at the end, I succeeded in converting the power generated from a dynamo into powering a set of LEDs. the process of constructing the hardware was rather therapeutic and I would love to work on more projects like this in the future.