

0-day streak
A python terminal sign-up and log-in program which adds data to an SQL database and authenticates user's input. To give it a little purpose I decided to make it print out user's email and balance (which is always going to be set to $0) when the user logs in.
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Python School management system project with a database of SQLite. It has three most important user roles: a student, teacher, and admin. The functionality will be different for different users. Students can sign up, log in, and check their personal information and grades. Teachers will add and manage the grades of students. Admins can add, edit, and delete students' records and manage user authentication and password changes. Security features include password hashing and access restriction to admins for a specified number of users. The project can be extended to implement GUI or convert it into a desktop application.
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School system for students and teachers. It's got authentication system, givinggrades system, and seeingdata/seeinggrade system <>
A program to purchase items that you'd typically buy from stores (Walmart, etc). The program has different sections. You have $0 in the beginning but you can have as much as you want by typing in the function that is shown when you run the code. The balance of course gets decreased based on what you buy
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Just turned the yesterday's version of customer-rating system into a GUI version in Python (I also added "Purchased item" section) Here's quick look of what it looks like:
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Customer service in Python with CSV file and MySQL database. User enters his information (first and last name), then their given rating to a specific product(idk to what yet), and then they write why they gave that rating. All the info is stored in a CSV file ft. MySQL
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python emoji
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summer-of-making emoji
Working on a stockpredictor Web App that should be able to tell us the future prices of stocks. I just finished the algorithm and am going for the web app! <>