- Worked on making BOM for 3d printer. Didn't anticipate it would have taken so long to find parts online. I still need to add more items, but I will probably finish that by tmrw and hopefully will do sketches of the 3d printer before CAD.
. Today, I honestly didn't feel like coding after finishing the Chrome extension yesterday. So, after finding out that infill might get pushback started. I stopped procrastination and started with research (1 hour). Tomorrow, I will merge my progress to the site and start with cad
day 7 of #C045S4393CY| Celebrated Carnival & Made changes to my 3D mod of a spinning jenny to make it printable.
#C045S4393CY| (no idea what day it is) worked on creating my extension for Browser Buddy
On day 5 of #C045S4393CY|, I fully completed the 3d model that I was working on yesterday.
Secondly, I worked on sourcing all the parts I need for my Lightsaber project, which I will probably work on again after a week when they arrive
Day 3 of #C045S4393CY| Ideally, I planned to be done with the case, but we guess not cause I spent about an hour in the cafe flipping my pcb neopixel to the backside
Didn't have much time, so I worked on shipping my stick bread project for the cafe and writing a readme for GitHub. Day 2 of 15 #C045S4393CY|
Day 1 of #C045S4393CY| - Completed my routing for Hackpad! Still need to fix a few errors, but I will try to do that tomorrow
Finally was able to complete my extension for Background color changer extension for Browser Buddy on time before the deadline. You can view the project here github.com/Programer6/Background-Color-Changer-Chrome-Extension
After encountering various difficulties finally was able to make my costume logo:
Worked on my chrome extension on 27. Nov. Managed to add a favorites sections
Worked cooking my background color changer extension for browser-buddy