

0-day streak
give me the hoodie please, i just want the hoodie lol
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Im accepted in N&W S3 by buildspace omg
SwiftStudentChallenge progress update ! I implemented the Liter/week functionality and made some changes to the ui. Also, now you can rename the plants and the name is saved in the app 🙂. You can see at the bottom how many cL of water you use per week + the number of plants you added. I added a tab bar and created a new section : Solutions !
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today, I made significant progress on the Swift Student Challenge !
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day one of the swift student challenge ! I started making the base layout of the app in swift ui and i'm now working on implementing some real data in it + making the "+" button work so that you can add your own plant.
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#WHW OMG the sleep buddy is finally printed !!!
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WHW 10 - last official day :( I wired everything up but it’s not working as intended but I’m too tired so I will debug it tomorrow.
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Today I made experiments with leds, relays and my esp ! I also started to plan how I’m going to wire everything up to my usbc pcb :)
Today I finally managed to flash my esp !!!
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WHW DAY 7 WOHOO -> finished the "horrible alarm that wants u to wake up"
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WHW DAY 6 -> Finished the 3d model case ! (and sent it to my friend for printing 🙂 )
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day 4 of WHW -> forgot to post but programmed my LEDS and the clock thingy ! (first picture) + day 5 of WHW -> reprogrammed the LEDS + connected my segment display to the clock !!!!
I managed to make the speakers work !!! Day 3/10 of WHW !!!
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WHW 2/10 me struggling with my esp no image (only beautiful sky) for today because my desk is a mess like you’ve never seen before lol
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WHW DAY ONEEEE : Messing with the speakers and led (Rainbow !!!!)