Day #3: I started working on adding AI to the Baubleheads, the player's party members. I added a bunch of new states and some basic state transitions. I wasn't able to add a lot, but I added a feature to make the baubles turn to face their target (usually the player). I also refactored the walk() function to be movetowardtarget(target), and have it pass along a target parameter. I did this so that depending on the state, the bauble may move towards an enemy, the mouse, the player, etc. Next I need to add actual pathfinding and better collisions, because at the moment they all get stuck on each other and/or other objects, and I don't want them to lag too far behind the player. #C045S4393CY|
Day #GMM0VHBBM|: I finally finished the inventory/party management system! Today I added the ability for the player to use the items they collected to spawn more party members. I did so by connecting the events that occurred when the player dragged an item onto a party slot to the global Bauble_manager script I created a while ago, and using a signal the script can receive the info needed to spawn a new guy. I also changed the party UI code to update itself based on the global manager instead of updating the 2 of them seperately. Next I'm adding actual UI to the Baubleheads so they can do more than just follow the player. #C045S4393CY| (posted this on the wrong channel 2 days ago)
Day 1/15 of #C045S4393CY|!
I've been working on the inventory and party management system for my Juice game for a bit over a week now, but it's finally almost done! I have the code to update the party slot texture depending on the member in it, and the code to add new items to the inventory and have it actually reflect in the UI, and finally connected them all to a few signals to keep them running in tandem. I started adding the functionality for the UI to actually spawn the party members using the glob script I made earlier (the bauble_manager), but I've yet to iron out all the bugs on that one, having so many pieces running from one signal is proving to be a bit more difficult that I expected, and I have plans to refactor later but need to move on in the meantime! Next I'll finish adding that functionality, then add more function to the party members overall as at the moment they just trail behind the player.