

0-day streak
building a realstate helper application with features to buy and sell properties and also thinking of to add ai in this project, Open for suggestions..:)
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updated some part of the previous project, resolved some errors and also added new features
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I am building a platform for real estate business, like there will be agents who will be showing properties to the customers through the platform and the customers can view and contact them, basically an end to end product for this unorganized market in india
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I am building a website for my local hospital, I thought of adding more features like patients and doctors, where in patients will be able to see when the doctors are available. Should work on this more....
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Building an app for the library where they can search for books in specific genre and there will be stats and overview for each genre, It will be completed in more 2 days in think, stuck in some parts
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I have built frontend application of a cryto buying and selling marketplace, it has profile, deposit, overview and many more frontend pages
built a react website for food, it has details page, and users page and also a post from a restaurant
Built a coffee user app where they can order and do payment through the app, there are my many screens such details, order history and cart screen.Presently the coffee information is stored in json file, will migrate it soon to a online db
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Built a fitness tracker app where the user can input exercise name and details of the exercise, added feature of login to store details in the db
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built a food-delivery app for the client and server side, where they can get the home, restaurant and they can items to the cart
changed the previous code to follow the proper convention
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Built a tiktok like web application where video are played
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I have built a product where I created a fake store backend, I have built this for my school project
built a parking lot backend service for my school project
I created a Spotify clone where users can explore top artists, top charts, and a "Around You" page. (Note: The "Something went wrong" message in the screenshot is due to exceeding my API limit.)
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tweeked the model to serialize the transaction and used custom functions to make this happen
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built a function to serialize transactions for bitcoin
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made a social media site, Where users can post their opinions through images and also they can save, like and follow the user
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made a saas website where there are multiple ai generation tools
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made a react native based mobile application for chatting with people
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made a clone of youtube, This clone includes custom domains of my favourites
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made a react native based mobile application for chatting with people
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made a saas ai tool where users can do multiple operations with ai such as chat generation, music , video and code generation
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This project let the user post images and other users can comment, save and like all the posts
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This project comes to an end, IN this project a user can take an image of the items he/she have with them and upload to the app so that the app suggests a recipe to cook with the ingredients you have
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Here is the final product of my project which converts satellite raw image to human usable image which is basically SAR images to EO images
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Here is the demo of the app on vision pro, Here I was just doing on the ui part, So basically when the user keeps on the vision pro, it will track the hand of the user and places the ui on the hand. Further, user can interact with the ui
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This project helped me teach about the file handling in js, This helps in future express development. This project aims to manage file in the pc and read and write file's content
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made a 3d website
added a new feature
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code about file handling
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added new resources to my project
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starting my arcade