

0-day streak
Winter Hardware Wonderland Day 10: I finished! I was able to reprint the last piece of the planter and used PVC glue to attach the pieces together. I soldered all the components together onto a perfboard and integrated all the pieces together with a tomato plant! The click you can hear is the relay turning off and on to power the water pump that waters the tomato plant.
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Winter Hardware Wonderland Day 9: I got the relay working to power the power hungry motor pump. While I worked on this, I finished printing the final piece of my planter, and started the reprint of the deformed piece. Once I solder the rest of the components and assemble the build, I'll be finished!
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Winter Hardware Wonderland Day 8: The planter first half finished printing after taking all night, bad news is that the print wasn't exposed enough and ended up becoming deformed. I'll see what I can do but it shouldn't stop me from finishing this project!
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Winter Hardware Wonderland Day 7: It took all day for both parts to print but the print reservoir's two halves are finished printing. I started printing the main planter's first half and both halves should be done tomorrow. I plant to glue and caulk each piece together.
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Winter Hardware Wonderland Day 6: I soldered the display and plant monitor probe to a perfboard and created code that displays information from the plant monitor probe live on the tft lcd screen.
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Winter Hardware Wonderland Day 5: I hooked up the LED plant growth light to the pi and controlled it using a usb control utility through terminal.
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Winter Hardware Wonderland Day 4: I had to email the manufacturer of the monitor component company to see why my code wasn't working, turns out the default port in the code they provided wasn't the one I needed to use, so I fixed that.
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Winter Hardware Wonderland Day 3: I looked through documentation and connected the moisture/temperature/humidity sensor to my pi. I still need to implement it into my code.
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Winter Wonderland Day 2- Connected display components and played with software. I connected a TFT LCD to an eyeSPI breakout to connect to my pi using the serial peripheral interface. So far, so good!
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Winter Wonderland Day 1- Set up the resin 3d printer and ran a test print. Print quality turned out really good, but I need to tweak the bottom layer exposure time because I almost broke the pieces trying to get them off of the base plate.